Activity & Interaction Code Settings
  • 21 Nov 2023
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Activity & Interaction Code Settings

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Article summary

Activity & Interaction Codes




You can inactivate interactions or activities that are no longer used without fear of losing data associated with them.


Select if the item you are adding should be an Interaction or Activity or both Interaction/Activity. 

  • Interaction - An interaction is associated with the person record, and viewable on the Timeline tab.

  • Activity - An activity is associated with the application record and viewable on the Application tab. 


Enter a code that does not contain spaces or special characters.  It is typically best to make your codes easy to distinguish so that reading custom SQL queries is easier.  Use Export Codes to store the code that external systems, such as your SIS will need to use.

Parent Code

Optionally, you may set a parent code for your interaction.  This is extremely useful for Origin Sources, and it also organizes your codes so that they are much more manageable for users.


Enter the name of the interaction or activity.

Export Value

The export value can be used in exports to external systems, including your SIS.


This setting is optional. The score is exportable, and it is sometimes used by institutions that want to calculate an overall score for a record based on the interactions associated with the record.  

Custom Permission

You are able to restrict the ability to view particular interactions by setting a custom permission.  If you leave this blank, then anyone with the ability to view the Timeline tab on the student record will be able to see the interaction; likewise, anyone with the ability to view an application will be able to view the activity.

Show in Reader

This setting is used to determine which interactions or activities appear for the Reader Tab Material type Comments from Activities/Interactions.

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