- 04 Apr 2024
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Add Stops to a Trip
- Updated 04 Apr 2024
- 1 minute read
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Stops can be included within a trip to schedule logistical appointments only to be seen and used by the person traveling. For example, a stop might designate:
Flight, hotel, and train details
A reminder to stop at FedEx to pick up a package upon arrival.
A working session at a local coffee shop.
To add a stop, click new stop in the top right-hand corner of the trip. A manage stop pop-up will appear. Name the stop, and provide start date, end date, time zone, location, and contact information. Clicking on a saved stop will display information from Google Atmosphere, including hours and contact information.
Adding Flight Details to a Trip
To add the flight details to a trip:
Click New Stop.
Select Flight as the 'type.'
Begin typing the departure airport using the three letter code, name of airport, or city. Select the appropriate airport from the dropdown.
Select departure date from the calendar view, or type it into the text box.
Insert the specific flight code. For example, insert DL-1696 for Delta flight 1696.
Add contact, email and phone details, if desired.
Click Save.
Flight details will display under the applicable date and day of week of the trip. Click "Edit Flight" to make any changes.
Notes can be included in the "Notes" tab within the New Stop popup box.
Adding Hotel and Train Details to a Trip
Hotel and train details can be added by:
Click New Stop.
Select Hotel or Train as the Type.
Type in the name of the hotel or train trip in the Location Name box.
Insert the start and end dates of the hotel stay or train trip.
Insert the hotel name or train station name in the Location Name field and select from the drop down menu.
The street address, city, state, and postal code will auto-populate.
Add contact, email, and phone details, if desired.
Click Save.
The hotel or train information will display under the applicable date and day of the week of the trip. Click "Edit Hotel" or "Edit Train" to make any changes.
Notes can be included in the "Notes" tab within the New Stop popup box.
✨ Tips
Contact information entered in the Contact, Email, and Phone fields of a Stop will display at the bottom of the Stop within the itinerary in Slate and on the printed itinerary.
If a trip stop or event is occurring today or later, a "Jump to Today" link will appear at the top of the itinerary. Click this link to hop to today's events in the itinerary.