Adding Exports and Filters on Form Communications
  • 04 Apr 2024
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Adding Exports and Filters on Form Communications

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Article summary

Communications for forms and events can be configured to send conditionally using custom filters and may include any available export as a custom merge field. 

Message conditions can be used in conjunction with the traditional communication triggers & groups in order to tailor the type of message and when it is received. These conditions utilize filters and exclusivity groups to determine which message is sent to a particular registrant. 

Message conditions can be used to reduce the amount of liquid markup required for form and event communications. 


Conditions, such as exports and filters, may be added to transactional form or event communications. Conditions are only available for form or event communications based on the instance of action, e.g. upon a registration or upon an update, and are not available for time-based communications, such as Hours before event

Form Communication Triggers

Edit Conditions Available

Upon Registration or Update


Upon Registration


Upon Waitlist Registration


Upon Update


Hours Before Deadline


Event Communication Triggers

Edit Conditions Available

Upon Registration or Update


Upon Registration


Upon Registration (including related event registration)


Upon Waitlist


Upon Waitlist Registration (including related event registration)


Upon Move from Waitlist to Registered


Upon Update


Upon Cancellation


Hours Before Deadline


Hours Before Event


Hours After Event


Upon Decline


To add filters or additional exports to form or event communications, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Form or Event

  2. Click Edit Communications.

  3. If creating a new mailing, click New Mailing and select the desired trigger, group, and method. If adding conditions to an existing mailing, click Edit Mailing.

  4. Click Edit Conditions.

  5. The popup that displays allows for the configuration of custom merge fields and custom filters:

    • Custom Merge Fields - Select the export(s) that will be used as merge fields in the message body.

    • Custom Filters - Add filter criteria to limit which registrants will receive the message. The mailing may also be placed in an exclusivity group with a priority. Placing mailings into exclusivity groups will assist in the registrant receiving only one message per trigger and group.

  6. Click Edit Message to continue building out the message. Any custom exports added will now be available as merge fields in the mailing.

If the record does not have a value stored for a selected custom merge field, the field will merge in blank.

Use caution when creating multiple conditional mailings and exclusivity groups. The registrant will receive the mailing each time the criteria for the mailing is met. For example, if the registrant meets the criteria for a mailing in an exclusivity group and meets the criteria for a mailing where no exclusivity group is used, the registrant will receive both mailings.

Additionally, do not add custom merge fields for form fields that are already available for use. For example, do not create a custom merge field for the form field academic interest when you are collecting academic interest on the form:



Creating redundant merge fields will prevent your mailings from being sent. Edit Conditions exports should only be used for merge fields that were not initially accessible to the mailing.

Exclusivity Groups and Priorities

The exclusivity groups created for Form/Event Communications are specific to the individual form or event - they will not appear within the Rules Editor. 

Mailings within an exclusivity group are evaluated against the registrant's record based on priority (with '1' being the highest priority). Once the registrant meets the criteria within an exclusivity group, no further mailings within that exclusivity group will be evaluated, and the message for which there was a match will send. 

Once a mailing has been assigned an exclusivity group and priority, the exclusivity group, priority, and conditions will display below the trigger and group at both the individual message level, as well as on the main form or event communications page. 


Keep the communication process simple. By finding ways to streamline the communications sent to form or event registrants, message conditions can be built in such a way to increase organizational efficiencies, rather than introducing an additional layer of complexity.

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