Datasets Overview for Advancement
  • 09 Nov 2023
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Datasets Overview for Advancement

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Article summary

When initially provisioned, an instance of Slate for Advancement comes with five standard datasets:

  • Records (not visible via the dataset page)

  • Organizations

  • Organization Contacts

  • Funds

  • Companies and Foundations

The first three datasets listed are standard for all instances of Slate. The final two, Funds and Companies and Foundations, are designed exclusively for Slate for Advancement. This article provides instructions and use cases for leveraging these datasets.

Datasets are designed to store details about various entities that are integral to processes. We recommend using the datasets provided to begin. Additional datasets may be necessary or could enhance processes.

Each dataset that exists in an instance is related to others through the “type” configuration on the dataset. When building additional datasets or modifying existing, use the following types to link:




Autosuggest existing person records, and adds relationship tab to the profile tab.


Autosuggest existing companies on jobs tab.


Adds the giving tab within the dataset.


Links the funds dataset to the fund field within the giving tab.


Autosuggest on schools tab.


Autosuggest on location name for events.

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