Application Round Settings
  • 13 Mar 2024
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Application Round Settings

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Set the status to ‘ Inactive’ until the Slate-hosted application is ready to go live.

If all applications are being imported, the round should always be set to ‘Inactive.’


Keep your database organized by using folders. Select   Other   to create a new folder.


This required setting ties the Round to a specific application Period. An application Period must be created before associating it with a Round. 


This round name will be visible to applicants, so enter a descriptive name (such as “Undergraduate Application”).

Short Name

The short name will be visible administratively only.  This setting is optional, and, when present, will override the display name of the round on the application tab.


Enter an integer value for this required setting.  This order will dictate the display order of the application rounds.

Round Key

Enter a short-code that will identify this round type (e.g., “UG” for undergraduate and “GR” for graduate, or “ED” for early decision and “RD” for regular decision). The round key is used in application logic, automation, and communications for your application. To prevent the need to update rounds each year, omit year information so that the same round key can be used for future rounds. It is best practice to omit year information so that the same round key can be used for rounds that you create in the future.

Round Path

This setting can be used to override certain shared application files for a particular round. Use-cases are limited.

Deadline (ET)

This setting is for Slate-hosted applications only. If a deadline is configured here, applications in this round cannot be submitted after this time.

This also applies to submission of the application fee, although a grace period can still be set that allows an application fee payment for a certain number of days beyond the deadline for submitted applications.  

The deadline is in Eastern time, so if you want the deadline to be 12:00AM Pacific on 12/15/2020, the deadline should be entered as 2020-12-15 3:00.

While the Deadline setting can be used to set a round deadline, deadlines can also be set and enforced using hard fails (submission requirement).

Payment Grace Period (Days)

Enter the number of days after the deadline for which an application fee payment will be accepted. 

For example, if the application submission deadline is January 1, but application fee payments will be accepted through January 15, enter '15' here. 

Allow Multiple

This setting is applicable only to Slate-hosted applications.  Selecting 'Allow multiple applications' allows an applicant to submit more than one application to the same round.

Note: The 'Allow Multiple' setting must also be configured at the Period level to enable multiple applications per Round. 


This setting is applicable only to Slate-hosted applications.

  • Unlocked - Unlocked applications allow applicants to switch an application to a different round.  

  • Locked - Locked applications cannot be moved to another round by the applicant.  

If multiple rounds share the same application questions and have different submission deadlines, it is best practice to configure the Rounds as Unlocked. This configuration allows a potential applicant to change to a Round with a later deadline if the original Round has passed. 


This setting is typically used by graduate institutions that refer applicants to other programs.

Configuring a Round as 'Hidden' allows the applicant to not see this extra application during the review process. To display the hidden application at a later date, update the application to be in an unhidden Round. 

Protected from Rank

Standard application rounds (applications for admission/enrollment) should always be Rankable.  Applications for other items, such as summer high school programs or scholarships, should be configured as "Do not rank."

This setting will help define which admission application has the highest-ranking based upon application priority and application creation/submission dates. See Determination of Table Ranks for additional information.

Note: Applications in Rounds set to "Do not rank" will not appear in the global search bar on the upper right.

Custom Status Portal

This setting will override the Slate-delivered Application Status Portal if a custom portal was built using the Portal Editor.

Export Value

Configure up to 5 export values for the application Round. This is typically a short value or code that is used by external systems (such as an SIS) upon the consumption of application data from Slate.

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