Application Rounds
  • 13 Mar 2024
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Application Rounds

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Article summary

Configuring a period and round structure is the first step to collect application data in Slate, whether a Slate-hosted application or importing application. 

  • Application Types - Rounds  are used to manage application types. Periods and rounds are also used to control certain aspects of the application process, such as limiting the number of submitted applications.

  • Periods - Periods and rounds work in conjunction with one another; however, rounds must be associated with a period, so a period must be configured first.

  • Straight Forward Structure - Application rounds may reflect the different types of applications institutions may offer at a high level. However, in many cases, only one round is necessary. As a best practice, establish as few rounds per period as possible. This will ensure that an applicant’s decision process when selecting a Round is swift and uncomplicated and will also reduce year-to-year round maintenance (such as the inactivation and creation of new rounds).

  • Additional Data Points - Data points that identify distinct populations or types of applicants (e.g., enrollment term, a program of study, international, transfer, scholarship qualifiers, etc.) can be captured and queried for within the application using custom application-scoped fields on application-page scoped forms and do not require the creation of separate rounds.

  • Annual maintenance - Periods and Rounds should be inactivated (or retired) on an annual basis - This provides structure to strategically review the application process over time and implement necessary updates. It also makes it easier to accomplish other business processes in Slate, such as rule-building and reporting.

Once a period has been established, a round or rounds may be configured and associated with the period.

Configure a Round

Periods Popup
  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar

  2. Select Application Rounds.

  3. Select Insert. A popup appears (pictured).

  4. Configure each setting * as necessary.

  5. Click Save

*Click here for a complete listing of all setting descriptions.

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