Application Tab Settings - Edit Application Details
  • 21 Nov 2023
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Application Tab Settings - Edit Application Details

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Edit Application Details




Administratively change the round of an applicant.

Extend Deadline

This option allows for the manual override of round deadlines on an individual applicant basis. 


Administratively submit the application. The date and time defaults to the current date and time; however, this can be modified.


An application priority guides the application rank, as it is the first table rank criteria. Following the priority, the ranking order is determined by the submission date (or created date, if unsubmitted).

Application ID

This is the Application Slate ID. This ID is unique to the application. For example, while an applicant with multiple applications will only ever have a single Ref ID, each application will have a unique Application ID. This field is often used as a matching criteria for use in Upload Dataset.

External ID

This field is primarily used for mapping an external application (such as CommonApp) to an applicant's record in Slate. This should not be used to house an SIS ID; rather, that should be created as a custom unique Field


To edit the bin or queue for this application, click the workflows tab and click "Edit" for the default workflow.

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