Assigning MMS Messages as a Material
  • 22 Apr 2024
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Assigning MMS Messages as a Material

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Article summary

Similar to SMS messages, MMS messages received in Inbox are now visible and can be assigned as a material to a record.

Create a Material

Much like assigning a new material via Batch Acquire, configure any necessary material types in Database > Materials.

Assign the MMS as a Material

After receiving an MMS attachment as a text message in Inbox, follow these steps to assign it as a material on the person record:

  1. Assign the message to a record if unassigned.

  2. Select the MMS message. Then within the pop-up, click Assign.

  3. A window similar to the batch acquire tool will appear. Enter the following configurations in the right pane:

    • Scope: Select Folio/Application (if the message pertains to a dataset record, select the corresponding scope instead).

    • Assign To: Search and select the appropriate record.

    • Material: Select Record Folio to assign the material to a person record, or the application round to assign the material to an application record. Custom material types with a scope of 'Person/Application' will appear as options. School-scoped materials will also be available if a school is present on the record and selected for this setting.

  4. Click Save.


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