Automate Reader Bin Movement
  • 18 Mar 2024
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Automate Reader Bin Movement

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Article summary


Reader Bin Movement Rules move the application into the specified Reader bin. Note that these rules are automatically added to a Slate instance when adding the Graduate or Undergraduate Reader Bins and Rules from the Slate Template Library. While the rules below can be modified, the following are the recommended best practices:

  • Rule 1 - Skip Inactive Periods

  • Rule 2 - Move to Awaiting Submission

  • Rule 3 - Move to Awaiting Payment

  • Rule 4 - Move to Awaiting Materials

  • Rule 5 - Move to Read 1

Rule 1 - Skip Inactive Periods

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Rules Editor.

  2. Click New Rule.

  3. Enter the following configurations in the popup window:

    • Name - Skip Inactive Periods

    • Base - Applications

    • Type - Bin

    • Trigger - Upon Update (Deferred)

    • Folder - Bin Movement

    • Exclusivity Group - Bins

    • Non-deterministic - Rule is deterministic and has an exclusive priority.

    • Priority - 1

  4. Click Save.

Configure the appropriate filters:

  • Application Period Active - Returns applications that are in an active or inactive period.

Application Period Active = Inactive

Configure the appropriate action:

  • No Action Rule - Select the Do Nothing check box as your action. This will ensure that records that have a status of Applicant will not change from that status.

Rule 2 - Move to Awaiting Submission

If an application has the Awaiting Submission application status, and the application is not in a bin, then move the application to the Awaiting Submission bin.

This particular rule is not necessary if an Awaiting Submission application status rule or an Awaiting Submission bin has not been created.

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Rules Editor.

  2. Click New Rule.

  3. Enter the following configurations in the popup window:

    • Name - Move to Awaiting Submission

    • Base - Applications

    • Type - Bin

    • Trigger - Upon Update (Deferred)

    • Folder - Bin Movement

    • Exclusivity Group - Bins

    • Non-deterministic - Rule is deterministic and has an exclusive priority.

    • Priority - 10

  4. Click Save.

Configure the appropriate filters:

  • Application Status - Returns applications with the selected status.

  • Bin Assignment Exists - Returns applications for whom a bin assignment exists or does not exist, as specified.

Application Status = IN Awaiting Submission
Bin Assignment Exists = Bin Assignment Does Not Exist

Configure the appropriate action:

  • Workflow - The default selection is 'Default'. Leave this set to Default if no other workflows exist.

  • Bin - Leave this set to Applications - Awaiting Review - Awaiting Submission.

  • Queue Action - Leave this set to Add Readers.

  • Add Reader - Leave this setting blank.

Rule 3 - Move to Awaiting Payment

If the status is Awaiting Payment AND either the application is not in a bin OR the application is currently in the Awaiting Submission bin, then move the application to the Awaiting Payment bin.

This particular rule is not necessary if an Awaiting Payment application status rule or an Awaiting Payment bin has not been created.

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Rules Editor.

  2. Click New Rule.

  3. Enter the following configurations in the popup window:

    • Name - Move to Awaiting Payment

    • Base - Applications

    • Type - Bin

    • Trigger - Upon Update (Deferred)

    • Folder - Bin Movement

    • Exclusivity Group - Bins

    • Non-deterministic - Rule is deterministic and has an exclusive priority.

    • Priority - 20

  4. Click Save.

Configure the appropriate filters:

  • Application Status - Returns applications with the selected status.

  • Bin Assignment Exists - Returns applications for whom a bin assignment exists or does not exist, as specified.

  • Bin - Returns applications in the selected bin.

Application Status IN Awaiting Payment
Bin Assignment Exists = Bin Assignment Does Not Exist
Bin = IN Awaiting Review - Awaiting Submission

Configure the appropriate action:

  • Workflow - The default selection is Default. Leave this set to Default if no other workflows exist.

  • Bin - Leave this set to Applications - Awaiting Review - Awaiting Payment.

  • Queue Action - Leave this set to Add Readers.

  • Add Reader - Leave this setting blank.

Rule 4 - Move to Awaiting Materials

If the status is Awaiting Materials AND either the application is not in a bin OR the application is in one of the previous bins, then move the application to the Awaiting Materials bin.

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Rules Editor.

  2. Click New Rule.

  3. Enter the following configurations in the popup window:

    • Name - Move to Awaiting Materials

    • Base - Applications

    • Type - Bin

    • Trigger - Upon Update (Deferred)

    • Folder - Bin Movement

    • Exclusivity Group - Bins

    • Non-deterministic - Rule is deterministic and has an exclusive priority.

    • Priority - 30

  4. Click Save.

Configure the appropriate filters:

  • Application Status - Returns applications with the selected status.

  • Bin Assignment Exists - Returns applications for whom a bin assignment exists or does not exist, as specified.

  • Bin - Returns applications in the selected bin.

Application Status IN Awaiting Materials
Bin Assignment Exists = Bin Assignment Does Not Exist
Bin = Awaiting Review - Awaiting Submission, Awaiting Review - Awaiting Payment

Configure the appropriate action:

  • Workflow - The default selection is Default. Leave this set to Default if no other workflows exist.

  • Bin - Leave this set to Applications - Awaiting Review - Awaiting Materials.

  • Queue Action - Leave this set to Add Readers.

  • Add Reader - Leave this setting blank.

Rule 5 - Move to Read 1

If the status is Awaiting Decision AND either the application is not in a bin OR the application is in one of the previous bins, then move the application to the First Read bin.

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Rules Editor.

  2. Click New Rule.

  3. Enter the following configurations in the popup window:

    • Name - Move to Read 1

    • Base - Applications

    • Type - Bin

    • Trigger - Upon Update (Deferred)

    • Folder - Bin Movement

    • Exclusivity Group - Bins

    • Non-deterministic - Rule is deterministic and has an exclusive priority.

    • Priority - 40

  4. Click Save.

Configure the appropriate filters:

  • Application Status - Returns applications with the selected status.

  • Bin Assignment Exists - Returns applications for whom a bin assignment exists or does not exist, as specified.

  • Bin - Returns applications in the selected bin.

Application Status IN Awaiting Decision
Bin Assignment Exists = Bin Assignment Does Not Exist
Bin = IN Awaiting Review - Awaiting Submission, Awaiting Review - Awaiting Payment, Awaiting Review - Awaiting Materials

Configure the appropriate action:

  • Workflow - The default selection is Default. Leave this set to Default if no other workflows exist.

  • Bin - Leave this set to Applications - First Reader - First Read.

  • Queue Action - Leave this set to Add Readers.

  • Add Reader - Only use bin movement rules to add readers automatically if there are no exceptions to reader assignments.

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