💻 Automated Export / Import Process Using Web Services
  • 23 Nov 2023
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💻 Automated Export / Import Process Using Web Services

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Article summary

This special advancement-focused Community Conversation focuses on setting up an automated web service in your database. Three examples explore identifying data in a query and importing the values directly back into the same database environment, enabling transformations to automatically occur on import:

  • Update a pledge's status to be "fulfilled" when the amount unreceived is $0.

  • Add an end date to an existing "Current Student" constituent type entity row based on a donor's conferred graduation date.

  • Add a constituency type of "Alumni" as a new entity row based on the donor's conferred graduation date.

Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Framework 1

Conceptual Framework 2

Key Takeaways

Conceptual Framework 2

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