Autosuggest for Custom Datasets
  • 17 Jun 2024
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Autosuggest for Custom Datasets

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Article summary

Autosuggest can be used on a form to relate a child record to a parent record. Autosuggest functionality already exists on form fields to search for organization records, allowing a form submitter to easily search for a specific school. For custom datasets, the same functionality can be implemented using the steps outlined in this article.

Before configuring autosuggest on a custom dataset form, complete the following:

  • Build a custom dataset.

  • Create a form with a scope of "Dataset" and select the custom dataset.

Configuring Autosuggest on a Form

A common example for creating a custom dataset-scoped form is to create child records, such as CBO contacts, and tie the record to the parent record, such as CBOs. Without autosuggest set up on the dataset-scoped form, it is possible that a form response will not relate to the proper dataset record. Setting up an autosuggest will ensure the child dataset record will associate with the parent dataset record each time the form is submitted.

To set up the autosuggest for a custom dataset-scoped form, take the following steps:

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Datasets.

  2. Select the desired dataset and enter a value for the Type setting. The type should be computer friendly (only utilizing lower cases, underscores, and numbers), such as "cbo."

  3. Click Forms in the top navigation bar and select the dataset-scoped form that should contain the autosuggest field.

  4. Add a form field for the form submitter that will store the parent dataset record's name. With an autosuggest place, this form field will allow the form submitter to search for their parent dataset record. Continuing with the CBO example, the form submitter (i.e. a CBO Contact) could search for their CBO organization record by name.

  5. Add another Hidden field to the form that retrieves the parent record's GUID. Similar to mapping both 'School Name' and 'School CEEB' on a form, a dataset form that collects parent dataset record information should collect both the searchable data point (i.e. a parent dataset record's name) and the unique identifier. Much like 'School CEEB', the Record > Parent Slate GUID field represents the unique identifier for the dataset record:

Note: When mapping this field, consider selecting the system field of Record > Parent Name (for record creation). This can be useful if the parent dataset record entered in this field by the child dataset record does not yet exist in Slate.

Autosuggest Formula

Similar to the above examples, an autosuggest formula, added to the autosuggest field, used to link a parent dataset record to a child dataset record should take the following form:

suggest,d:[GUID of the dataset]/[name or id]

For instance, if your organization dataset has the GUID of "fcf110b3-c595-4851-9b2d-5ad26f17f7ee" and you wanted to grab the id of an organization dataset record, you would use:


For custom dataset records with “hide from public autosuggest” checked off to be hidden from the autosuggest, instead of using the dataset GUID you will need to use the dataset type. For example if you have a custom dataset for your tour guides and the type is “guides” you would use:


Autosuggest for Related Dataset Row Fields

Autosuggest can also be used to link a record (either a person or dataset record) to a different dataset. When adding the Related Dataset Row Field to a person- or application-scoped form, map to the "(Organization Record GUID)" version of the field mapping. This will automatically add the appropriate autosuggest to the form field.

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