Batch Acquire
  • 09 Nov 2023
  • 4 minute read
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Batch Acquire

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Article summary

The Batch Acquire tool allows users to import physical and electronic documents into Slate. Documents such as PDFs, image files and Word files can be scanned using a scanner, or they can be uploaded directly from a hard drive.

Loading Documents

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Batch Acquire.

  2. Select from one of the following options:

    • Batch Scan: Allows documents to be scanned in directly from scanners with TWAIN drivers

    • Upload PDF from Document Scanner: Allows digital uploads of PDFs

    • Upload Digital Documents: Allows digital documents such as PDF or Word documents from a hard drive

    • Print Document Separator: Creates a sheet containing a QR code that can be printed and used to split a batch of documents for assignment to different records

    • Refresh Batches: Since batches can be sent to Batch Acquire from other sources, such as Upload Dataset, refresh the list of batches regularly. This also removes any processed batches from the list.

  3. After selecting Upload Digital Documents, give the batch a name (the default is current date and time). If all documents in the uploaded file contain the same material type, it can be selected at this time. Otherwise leave the material selector set to Do not pre-assign material type to batch.

  4. Select Add Files to add documents for upload, or drag files into the box.

  5. Select Upload and the files are uploaded and appear in the list of batches in Batch Acquire.

  6. Select the batch name and the documents in that batch appear below. Select the first page to proceed to the next step, where the documents can be manipulated and assigned to records.

Manipulating Documents

There are several options for editing files in Batch Acquire. These edits can be made before or after a document is assigned to a record, but all edits, and the record assignment, are finalized when selecting Save.




Rotate page counterclockwise.


Rotate page clockwise.


Delete page: When selected, the page is "marked for deletion." A "Restore" option appears once an item is marked for deletion, but once the document is saved, the deletion becomes permanent. This option is often used to delete blank pages.


Rotate all pages in the batch clockwise.


Redact: To redact sections of a document, such as SSN or other sensitive information, select the lock and drag a black box over the sections to be redacted. An "Undo Redactions" icon appears once a box has been added, but once the document is saved the redaction becomes permanent.


Auto Acquire: Using optical character recognition (OCR) technology, Batch Acquire can attempt to extract the name, birthdate and email address contained within a material to determine the likely appropriate matching record within Slate. If OCR is not able to Auto Acquire, the document can be manually assigned to a record.

In a multi-page batch, the option to Insert Document Separator appears between pages. When selected, the document is split into two documents. This is the same action that occurs when the printed Document Separator page is included between scanned documents.

Clicking on anywhere on a page opens a magnifying glass tool to more closely inspect the page.

Assigning Records

Upon selecting a document, users can assign the document to a record in Slate using the interface panel in Batch Acquire




The date and time the batch was scanned or uploaded.


The total number of pages in the batch.


Options for scope are "Folio/Application", "Organizations", "Organization Contacts" and all custom datasets. For all records for a person or application, the scope of "Folio/Application" should be selected.

Assign To

Search for the record to whom the document should be assigned.

Create Record

If no record is found, or no record exists, enter First Name, Last Name, Email and Birthdate to create a new person record.


Select to clear the assignment and assign the document to another record.

Once a record is selected, the Material list appears. Options include:



Record Folio

If no application exists on the record, or if the material should be available via multiple applications. When selected, all Person/Application-scoped materials appear below.


Each application for the record can be selected. The round name (or short name) and the application status appear. When an is application selected, all Person/Application-scoped materials appear below, with an option to "Show Checklist" on the selected application tab.


Each Reference added to the record through the Slate-hosted application appears by name. Reference-Scoped materials appear in the menu below.


Each School on the person record appears. When a School is selected, all School-Scoped materials appear in the menu below.


Each test on the person record. When a test selected, all Test-Scoped materials appear in the menu below.

When a document is assigned to a record, select Save to proceed to the next document awaiting assignment. Any rotations, deletions, or redactions become permanent upon saving. A document can be deleted entirely by selecting Delete.

A batch can stay in Batch Acquire as long as necessary, so to move between documents without assigning a record or a material type, use the Back, Next, and Exit buttons.


The maximum file size in Batch Acquire is 64 MB. If files are larger than this, split the files into smaller files.

Material Metadata

A form can be created to manually enter data related to a material in Batch Acquire

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