Batch Create & Edit Prompts - Prompt Import Source Format
  • 07 Apr 2024
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Batch Create & Edit Prompts - Prompt Import Source Format

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Article summary

While it can often be most efficient to manage prompts individually, Slate also allows for the batch management of prompts. This functionality can be especially useful when working with longer prompt lists like "Academic Interest."

Use the prompt management batch process to:

  • Insert new prompts

  • Edit existing prompts

πŸ”” Important!

We strongly recommend uploading prompts in batch to a test environment first. Since minor errors can be compounded when working in batch, it is important to double check your work before committing to an import. Note: Index values in the import cannot exceed 64 characters.

Activate the Prompt Import Format

First, activate the prompt import source format. Adding this format will allow you to use the Upload Dataset module to batch manage your prompts.

  1. Click Database in the Slate navigation bar and select Source Format Library in the Import section.


  2. Locate the line for Prompt Import (with Excel in the Format column) and click the Add link. The Add Source Format from Library popup appears.


  3. Click Add. Confirm on the popup by clicking OK. The Prompt Import page appears.


Add New Prompts

You can add new prompts via an Excel document. For example, if you need to add additional prompts to your academic interest list, you can add new rows to your existing Excel document (that includes existing prompts) and provide configuration settings:


What columns must be included?

To add a new prompt, provide a value for the following columns: Key, Value, and Active (Active = 1, Inactive = 0). You may include values for other columns as well. Leave the ID column blank when adding new prompt values to your spreadsheet. This lets Slate know which new prompt values to add from the spreadsheet. The length of the Key value must not exceed 32 characters.

Download and Edit Existing Prompts

Download Existing Prompts

Download current prompts into the required Excel format using the standard query library.

  1. Click Database in the Slate navigation bar and select Standard Query Library in the Queries section.

  2. Select the Current Prompt List query. The Current Prompt List page appears. All prompts (including precise configurations) currently stored in Slate are listed on the page.


  3. Click the Download to Excel link in the top right corner of the page. Each column of the Excel file corresponds with a prompt configuration setting.


Edit Existing Prompts

You can edit existing prompt values in the Excel document. For example, if you need to add Export values to all the prompts with the key of "academic_interest," you can add that data to your Excel document:


πŸ“ Note: Don’t edit the ID

When you upload your edits, Slate uses the ID column to match your data with the existing prompt. You may edit any other columns.

Upload Changes

Upload the Excel file using the Upload Dataset module (Be sure to save the edits you made to the Excel file before uploading it back into Slate).

1. Click Database in the Slate navigation bar and select Sources / Upload Dataset in the Import section. The Sources / Upload Dataset page appears.



2. Click Upload Dataset.



3. Enter the following configurations:

  • File Format: Select the Prompt Import (Excel) format. (This is the format you activated from the source format library.)

  • Folder: If using folders (recommended), select the desired folder for the import, or select Other and enter a new folder name.

  • Add Files: Add your Excel file to this area by clicking Add Files or by dragging your file from your Windows File Explorer and dropping it into the "Drag files here" area.

4. When all desired files have been added, click Upload.


Slate will import the data, batch update the prompts that have been edited, and create new prompts for any new data rows added.

Just Need to Add New Prompts?

Use the blank Excel file below to add your new prompts (remember to leave the ID column blank) and then upload your file through Upload Dataset.

πŸ”” Important!

Once the import has completed, the Status will update to "Completed." This source format is special and does not update person or dataset records, therefore, the Rows Imported value will appear as "0."

Rest assured that if the import's status appears as "Completed," the data was updated, so be sure to check the prompts to confirm the changes.

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