Batch Gift Processing
  • 03 Jul 2024
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Batch Gift Processing

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Article summary

🏔️ Summit 2024 Feature

Enter multiple gifts at once.

With batch gift entry, you can:

  • Set default values for each new gift

  • Search for individuals in an open batch

  • See giving history at a glance with a custom dashboard

  • View a count and sum of entered gifts

  • Edit or delete past entries

Creating a new batch

To create a new gift entry batch:

  1. From the main navigation, select Database.

  2. Under Records and Datasets, select Batch Gift Entry.

  3. Select New Batch to get started with a new batch, or select an existing batch.

  4. Enter a name.

  5. Select Save.

Configuring a new batch

The batch entry interface has the following features:

Set Defaults

In the Set Defaults popup, you can set the following default values for each gift in the batch:

  • Type: Select a default gift type from your database’s list of gift types.

  • Campaign: Enter the name of the campaign you want to associate with this batch by default.

    • Select View Campaign to open the campaign record in a new tab.

    • Remove your selection with Clear.

  • Fund: As with campaigns, you can associate gifts in the batch by default with a fund by entering its name.

    • Select View Fund to open the fund record in a new tab.

    • Remove your selection with Clear.

  • Appeal: As with campaigns and funds, select an appeal to associate with the batch by default.

    • Select View Appeal to open the appeal record in a new tab.

    • Remove your selection with Clear.

  • User: Select a user to be associated by default with this batch.

  • Date of Gift: Select a default date for the batch of gifts.

  • Status: This value will always default to Received.

  • Fair Market Value: Enter a fair market value amount.

  • Anonymous: Select if all entries should default to anonymous crediting.

  • Occasion: Select from a list of occasions, like In Honor of or In Memory of.

  • Notes: Enter a note to appear by default on every gift entered in the batch.

Select Save. When you add a new gift to a batch, the Edit Gift popup displays of the defaults you’ve configured.


Rename or delete the batch.

Record Lookup

Enter the name of the record you’d like to add to the gift batch.

When you select a record, the New Gift button appears.

Creating a batch gift entry dashboard

The following appears when you select a record:

Use the Dashboards tool to create a Giving dashboard.

You can use Suitcase to import our pre-made batch gift entry dashboard, or you can create your own.

💼 Use Suitcase to import a pre-made dashboard

You can use Suitcase to import this batch gift entry dashboard into your database:

  1. Paste this Suitcase ID into your database to import a pre-made batch gift dashboard query:

  2. Paste the following code into the Source editor on the Edit Dashboard tab of your new dashboard:

    <html xmlns="">
        <title>Batch Gift Entry Dashboard</title>
          <strong>Person Summary</strong>
          <strong>First</strong>: {{Person-First}}<br />
          <strong>Last</strong>: {{Person-Last}}<br />
          <strong>Class Year</strong>: {{Person-Preferred-Class-Year}}<br />
          <strong>Birthdate</strong>: {{Person-Birthdate}}<br />
          <strong>Primary Address</strong>: {{street}}, {{city}} {{postal}}<strong><br />
          Primary Constituency</strong>: {{Primary-Constituent-Type}}<br />
          <strong>All Constituencies</strong>: {{Current-Constituent-Type}}<br />
          <strong>Staff Assigned</strong>: {{Staff-Assigned-Full-Name}}
          <strong>Recent Gifts</strong>
          <strong>Lifetime Giving</strong>: {{Lifetime-Giving}}<br />
          <strong>Current FY Giving</strong>: {{Current-FY-Giving}}
        <table class="table sortable">
            <col />
            <col />
            <col />
            <col />
            <col />
            <tr class="column">
              <th>Credit Type</th>
          <tbody>{% for item in recent-gifts %}
            {% endfor %}
          <strong>Linked Relationships</strong>
        <table class="table sortable">
            <col />
            <col />
            <tr class="column">
          <tbody>{% for item in linked-relationships %}
            {% endfor %}

📝 Create your own dashboard

To create your own batch gift entry dashboard:

  1. From the main navigation, select Database.

  2. Under Records and Datasets, select Dashboards.

  3. Select New Dashboard. A popup appears.

  4. Configure the following settings:

    • Status: Active

    • Name: Enter a name

    • Type: Batch Gift Entry Dashboard

    • Base: Person

  5. Select Save.

  6. Configure the dashboard query and appearance as described in Dashboard for Advancement.

Entering gifts in batch

To enter gifts:

  1. Enter a record’s name in the Search Records… field.

  2. Select the record.

  3. Select New Gift. A popup appears.

  4. Configure the following settings:

    • Type: If no default is set, select a gift type.

    • Fulfilling: Select a pledge to fulfill from the list of pledges and suggested pledges.

    • Campaign: If no default is set, select a campaign.

    • Opportunity: Select an opportunity from the list.

    • Appeal: If no default is set, select an appeal.

    • User: If no default is set, select a user.

    • Date of Gift: If no default is set, select a date.

    • Amount: If no default is set, enter a gift amount.

    • Fair Market Value: If the donor receives any item of value related to the gift (game tickets, t-shirt, etc.), enter the taxable amount of the item here. This value defaults to $0.00.

    • Tax Amount: This field automatically calculates the amount reported for tax purposes, subtracting the entered Fair Market Value from the entered Amount.

    • Anonymous: Select to make the gift anonymous.

    • Occasion: If no default is set, select from a list of occasions, like In Honor of or In Memory of.

    • Notes: Enter private notes.

    • External ID: Enter a unique ID to export to other systems, if applicable.

    • Suggested Soft Credits: Select any records that you want related to the gift.

    • Soft Credits: As you enter text in this field, matching record names appear. Select a record to add it to the Soft Credits field. Remove a selected record by clicking on the record name.

    • Stock - Realized Value: For stock gifts, enter the realized value attained from the sale of the stock.

    • Stock - Sale Date: For stock gifts, enter the date of sale for the stock.

  5. Select Save.

Information about the gift appears under Gifts:

  • Records appear in a list with their accompanying amounts.

  • A Gift Summary displays the count of gifts and the total dollar amount for all entered gifts.

Closing a batch

When you’ve finished entering gifts for this batch, select Process Batch. A browser prompt appears asking you to confirm your decision.

Under the Closed column in the Batch Gift Entry list, your batch receives today’s date.


You can query on the Gift Batch base.

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