Briefcase Import for Forms
  • 20 Nov 2023
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Briefcase Import for Forms

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Article summary

  1. Click Forms on the top navigation bar.

  2. Select the form.

  3. Click Edit Form.

  4. Click Copy Form.

  5. Click Copy to Briefcase. A Briefcase window appears.

  6. Enter some informational text in the Memo field and select a Folder if desired, then click Save.

  7. Copy the unique ID that appears.

  8. Click Close.

  9. Go to the database where you will import the form.

  10. Click Database on the top navigation bar and click Briefcase Import.

  11. Paste the ID into the Briefcase ID field and click Add to Database.

  12. Click OK.


A template is also created for forms associated with the event or interview. The associated form is accessible via the template.

The following Slate standard fields automatically populate in the copied form (even if the field was not included on the original form): email address, first name, middle name, last name, birthdate, and mailing address. You may remove these fields.  

When accessing the imported form, the form will automatically have a tentative status. Events and interviews associated with the imported form will have a Status of Inactive. They must be updated to a status of Confirmed or Active

Why are form fields not mapping to system fields?

Slate automatically maps form fields to system fields if they also exist in the database where the form is imported.

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