Capturing UTM Parameters in Forms
  • 04 Apr 2024
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Capturing UTM Parameters in Forms

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Article summary

Slate allows for the capturing of UTM parameters in form referral links. This can help gauge the effectiveness of outreach and marketing efforts by tracking and identifying the campaign that referred traffic to a specific form registration. 

Five UTM parameters can be defined and captured in Slate:

UTM Parameter




Identify the referring source



Identify the medium used 



Identify the campaign



Identify search terms



Identify the click source


 Best Practices

Consult with marketing when defining UTM parameters to ensure alignment between admissions and marketing for tracking campaign outcomes.

Capturing UTM Parameters

Every form in Slate has a unique URL that can be appended with UTM parameters. Once those parameters have been defined, append the URL before using it as a referral link outside of Slate. This will allow the UTM parameters to be captured upon form submission.


The URL should be appended with an ampersand (&) after the form ID. Additionally, the ampersand (&) should separate each of the UTM parameters.

For Example:


If the form uses a vanity/custom URL, the link should first be appended with a question mark (?) and ampersand (&) should separate each of the UTM parameters.


For Example:


Once the URL is appended with the desired parameters, it can be used in the campaign to link people to the registration form.

Do all five UTM parameters need to be included in the link?

Although we recommend at least identifying the UTM source (utm_source), it is not necessary to include every UTM parameter.

What if the form is embedded?

Traffic can be directed to an embedded form via a form link that has been appended with UTM parameters. Please use the dynamic embed code in order to capture these UTM parameters in an embedded form.

Exporting UTM Data

UTM parameters are captured upon form submission and can be exported out via a form query. A block of local UTM exports are included in form properties. 

To export UTM data captured within a specific form:

  1. Click Forms in the top navigation bar to access the form.

  2. Click New Query.

  3. Click Export to add Form UTM exports to the form query.

Form queries will export one row per form registrant. If a registrant submits the form via a form link that was appended with UTM parameters, the data will export under the corresponding form UTM columns. This becomes a powerful resource for identifying top referral sources and tracking campaign outcomes.

If UTM data is captured on a form submission, this data will also be visible as form response metadata on the form registration.

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