• 07 May 2024
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Article summary

To establish an integration with Cashnet, you must:

  1. Create the integration on the Cashnet end

  2. Open a Support Ticket with Technolutions.

πŸ“ Note

In 2016, Cashnet was acquired by Transact. We only support an integration via the CashNet Checkout product.

Integrating with CASHNet


  1. Under HTTP notifications, configure CASHNet use the Name Value Format (POST) option to send a silent postback to with the ref1value, tx (CASHNet transaction ID), and amount.

  2. Configure CASHNet to redirect the applicant in the browser, when finished, to using a GET request.

  3. Set aside ref1 for a custom value, SLATEX, which will receive Slate transaction data.

πŸ“ Note

Technolutions can add conditional logic to send different itemcodes for different scenarios, or different merchant IDs for different payment accounts. This typically adds a few days to the turnaround of the Support Ticket.

Creating a Support Ticket

If you have a representative from CASHNet, add them as a CC to the Support Desk ticket; therefore, if there are any questions to be asked of them, they can respond directly.

In the Support Ticket, please provide the following:

  • The Posting URL

  • The Merchant code that CASHnet provides.

  • CASHNet offers the option of setting up custom fields for additional data; please give us the β€œref” codes for any that you have set up, as well as any other fields or itemcodes that will be used, etc.

    • For each ref code, let us know the source in Slate (e.g. the specific Slate field key) for the data that goes into the custom field.

    • Ref items need to be sequentially numbered.

πŸ”” Important!

The CASHNet ref1 value must be SLATEX. Slate uses this reftype to transmit transaction data.

If you are utilizing or charging a 'convenience fee' via CASHNet, please let us know in your original ticket.

We have encountered situations like this before, but this use case is rare. You will need to add a new item code (only in CASHNet) with a zero dollar value (non-editable); that second item code will act as a placeholder. Slate will pass in itemCode1 and amount1 (the actual fee amount due); in addition we will pass in itemCode2 (e.g. Slate) with amount $0. This will cause your convenience fee to be placed as an itemCode3/amount3, which is a field/value that Slate will ignore in the postback notification (so that the value of the resulting payment received activity in Slate matches your payment due amount exactly).

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