Changing your Slate Subdomain
  • 25 Apr 2024
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Changing your Slate Subdomain

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Article summary

On rare occasions, you may need to update your Slate domain or subdomain. This happens most often upon initial set-up where you are using a temporary subdomain (e.g., -> or when you begin incorporating additional populations into Slate and need a more generic subdomain (e.g., -> Several different parties are involved in this change, and it's essential to coordinate with them to ensure seamless operations. Below are the specific groups and their responsibilities:

  • Slate Administrators - Manage projects and update links throughout Slate.

  • IT Staff/Network Administrators - Set up DNS entries and update Single Sign-on settings.

  • Web/Marketing - Update various links throughout the institution's websites.

  • Third-party Payment Providers - Update URLs for postbacks and checkout.

  • Technolutions - Update SSL certificates and other domain settings.

Note: Technolutions manages all SSL certificates for Slate instances and all certificates are automatically renewed every 90 days.

Important: It is not possible to share the subdomain with other websites or functionality on campus. The DNS entry for Slate should use a CNAME record to redirect all traffic to Slate. It should not use an A record. 

Changeover Steps

  1. Determine a new subdomain name.

  2. Have your IT group create a new DNS entry for the new subdomain. It should point to the CNAME of You can use an external tool such as to confirm this DNS entry is in place.

  3. Notify the following four groups of the new subdomain and the planned changes:

    • Slate Administrators to update any links used within Slate such as within ongoing Deliver mailings, decision letter templates, portals, and image references.

    • IT/Network Administrators to update the Single Sign-on settings, specifically new hostnames for metadata, login, logout, validate, and other URLs. In addition, you will use the new subdomain for the entity ID.

    • Third-party Payment Providers, if not using Slate Payments, to notify them of new hostnames for postback, checkout, and other URLs.

    • Web/Marketing to update links on your institutional sites to use the new subdomain.

  4. Submit a request to the Domain and SSO Configuration category with the following information:

    • The new subdomain

      • The intended launch date for the new subdomain

    • Technolutions respond to confirm the details and begin the changeover process.

  5. Once the new domain is up, you can reach out to the groups from step three and let them know to make the appropriate updates. NOTE: The existing subdomain will remain active for about a month after the change to ensure that existing links will not immediately expire and give you and your campus colleagues time to make the abovementioned changes.

Billing and Contract Contact Information

To make updates to your billing contact information, please reach out to [email protected].

To make updates to your contract contact information, please reach out to [email protected].

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