Closed Captioning in Share
  • 04 Apr 2024
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Closed Captioning in Share

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Article summary

For any online event using Share, Slate can record and transcribe the dialog using real-time closed captioning. This additional functionality will help participants who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Enabling Closed Captioning

Since the audio transcription appears in the chat box, the chat/moderated chat setting must be checked off in order to use this feature.

Webinar participants can enable closed captioning functionality by clicking CC at the top right corner after joining the online event.

The audio transcription will appear as part of the chat box and is noted with a mceclip3.png symbol:


🔔 Important!

Do not click 'Broadcast Audio' (or you can mute microphone) until you are ready to begin. Closed captioning will begin transcribing audio as soon as 'Broadcast Audio' is clicked and participants will be able to read transcription of any pre-broadcast conversation.

Best Practice

The following should be considered when using closed captioning:

  • Speak slowly and clearly enunciate for a more accurate audio transcription.

  • If possible, allow for natural pauses in the presentation (i.e. shifting between slides or topics) to break up the audio transcription into easier-to-read chunks.

  • Use the moderated chat functionality or hold questions until the end of the webinar. Since the audio transcription appears in the chat box, this will allow for maximum viability.

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