Coalition Documents: ScoirMaterials
  • 15 Jan 2024
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Coalition Documents: ScoirMaterials

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Article summary


ScoirMaterials Source Format

The ScoirMaterials source format is loaded into the databases of all Coalition members, and several source fields are pre-mapped to standard destinations in Slate.

This source format is configured to import a ZIP archive containing PDFs and an index file containing information about each PDF in the archive.

This is the same source format used to import documents from Scoir for regular document integration. If your institution already accepts documents from Scoir, information about the specific updates made to handle Coalition application documents are found in the section ScoirMaterials for Members who Already Received Documents from Scoir; however, each of the sections of this document provides details about the source format specific to importing Coalition application documents.

Scoir Service Account

This user account grants Scoir access to place files into the /incoming/scoir/ directory. The ScoirMaterials source format is configured to pick up files from this directory automatically.

Slate Configurations

Source format requirements

Remap settings are customizable, with the following exceptions:

Do not change: File

This source field lets Slate know which PDF the row is associated with. It must remain mapped to the Material Filename destination.

Filename mapping must not be changed

Prompt Value Mappings: DocumentType

The DocumentType source field is mapped to the Material Code destination. Scoir will send multiple document types in this integration, including the application, transcripts, and counselor evaluations. This destination uses Prompt Value Mappings to enable you to map each document type from Scoir to a specific material type in Slate.

Any PDF associated with a document type that is not mapped will be sent to Batch Acquire for manual processing.

Do not change: coalitionID & scoir_id

The fields Coalition Application ID and Scoir ID are both used to facilitate the integration, so these mappings should remain unchanged. In addition, we do not recommend mapping the CommonAppId source field because it is hand entered by the applicant and is not always accurate.


Configuring the source format

To configure the ScoirMaterials source format:

  1. From the main navigation, select Database, then select Source Formats.

  2. Select ScoirMaterials.

  3. Click Remap.

  4. Map additional items and make any desired changes on the Field Mappings page.

  5. On the right, click Prompt Value Mappings.

  6. Map values as needed:

    • The full list of document types has been appended for your convenience.

  7. Map any Field Fusions and Static Values if desired.

  8. With remapping completed, return to the ScoirMaterials source format page using the breadcrumb navigation. 

  9. On the right, click Edit.

  10. Set Remap Active to Active. 

  11. Click Save

Set Remap Active Flag to Active


You should not update the following source format settings:

  • Unsafe (Safe): This source format is used for sending documents at multiple parts of the application process and from multiple sources, so you should set this source format to Safe to prevent it from overwriting person-scoped data provided directly by the applicant if a current application exists on the record already.  Documents will always be imported.

  • Type (One-Time / Differential): This setting retains each source as new sources come in. Since each document is sent once, changing this setting to Cumulative will degrade the integration and could result in data loss.

  • Format Definitions: As a standard source format, format definitions are inherited. Updating the settings on the Format Definition tab will result in the inherited settings being overridden and will degrade the integration.

  • Import Automations: The documents sent from Scoir are automated through the integration, so there is no need to adjust any settings on the Import Automation tab.

Material Scope

Every material in Slate is associated with a specific record, whether a specific school, an application or the person record as a whole. Most of the documents received from Scoir will be associated with either the application or the person record; however, you can choose to map certain documents, such as transcripts, to school-scoped materials.

Application or Person

Documents mapped to material types configured as Application/Folio-scoped will be associated with an application (application-scoped) if there is a matching application on the record. If there is no matching application, then the document will be person-scoped.

Matching to an Application

Scoir will send the CoalitionId field for any record that has one at the time the document exists. Since this field is mapped to the Coalition Application ID, this will enable the import process to associate the document with the specific Coalition application.

However, documents can be sent from Scoir even for records that do not have a Coalition application as part of your normal Scoir integration. In this scenario, the CoalitionId field will be blank. For these records, there are two options, and you can choose whichever works best for your process:

Option 1: Allow the imported document to be person-scoped.
Option 2: Map the Static Value: App: Round Use Existing. With this option, if there is an application in an active application period on the record, then the document will be associated with that application. Otherwise, the document will be person-scoped.  

Note: Applications in rounds that are protected from rank are excluded. The matched application will be the rank 1 application on the record.

School-Scoped Materials

Documents that contain you can import information specific to a particular school record to school-scoped material types in Slate, provided that the school is specified in the import. Scoir sends the fields CEEBCode and HighSchoolName, which can be used to associate the document with the appropriate school on the record or create a new school on the record if it does not already exist.

Documents mapped to school-scoped materials that do not have an associated school will be sent to Batch Acquire for manual processing.

ScoirMaterials for Members who Already Received Documents from Scoir

The ScoirMaterials source format for Coalition files is the same source format used for the regular integration with Scoir for document receipt. There are three updates for this year to enable the capability of the source format to handle both:

  1. New source field: CoalitionId - This field enables document matching to the Coalition application for any document related to that Coalition application. This field has been automatically mapped to the Coalition Application ID field in Slate.

  2. New document type: ApplicationProfile - This document type will be sent for the application PDF, and you must map it to the desired material type in Slate. While this new document type has been automatically appended to the list of types to map, you must set the Prompt Value Mapping for the new type; otherwise, these documents will be sent to Batch Acquire for manual processing.

  3. Updated source field: StudentId previously contained the Scoir ID field. For consistency, Scoir has renamed this source field scoir_id. The StudentId mapping configurations have been copied to the new scoir_id field. If your institution previously used a different field to store the Scoir ID, an additional destination has been added to map this source field to the person-scoped Scoir ID field.

Scoir Configurations

If your institution is not already receiving documents from Scoir, you will need to configure the integration in your Scoir account.

In Slate: Identify your Scoir Service Account's SFTP username

The username for Scoir will be [email protected]. You will be asked to enter the value after the @ (your subdomain) while configuring the integration in Scoir. 

The subdomain is the part of the web address of your Slate database between the https:// and /manage. For example, if you log in to Slate at, the subdomain is  

Another way to find this value is by viewing the settings in the Scoir user account:

  1. From the main navigation, select Database, then select User Permissions.

  2. Select the Scoir Service Account from the list of active users.

  3. Click Edit User.

  4. On the Roles tab, scroll down to SFTP Access.

  5. Copy or note the Username (e.g., "").

  6. Click Cancel or navigate away from the page and continue to the Scoir steps below.

In Scoir: Configure and Activate the Integration

Use this documentation from Scoir to configure the integration: Part 1: Connect Slate and Scoir, Step 3.

Once configured, activate the integration using the steps provided in Step 4 of the same document.  


Scoir batches documents into a single evening delivery each night. The ZIP archive containing all PDFs received since the previous delivery and an index file will be placed into the /incoming/scoir/ SFTP directory. The ScoirMaterials source format is configured to automatically pick up the files in this directory and import the data and documents using the Remap configurations.

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