Coalition Source Formats: Application Courses
  • 16 Nov 2023
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Coalition Source Formats: Application Courses

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Article summary


If your institution requires courses and grades from the Coalition application, the CoalitionApplicationCourses source format can be used to import this data.

The CoalitionApplicationCourses source format treats each course as a separate row in the data file. When mapping the source format, you will see mappable data points for a single set of course source fields, many of which have been pre-mapped. Some source fields apply only to college-level courses, and others are only applicable to high-school-level courses. To indicate this, those source fields are prefaced with col_ for college coursework and hs_ for high school coursework.

Each course the applicant enters will be imported using the mappings you configure.


If your institution requires courses and grades from the Coalition application:

  1. From the main navigation, select Database, then select Source Format Library.

  2. Select CoalitionApplicationCourses (JSON).

  3. Click Add.

  4. Click Remap.

  5. Map additional items and make any desired changes in the Field Mappings stage. Do not change:
    Coalition Application ID field.
    This field is used to associate the course data with the appropriate record.
    The School: CEEB Code fieldThis field is used to associate the course work with the appropriate school.

    map additional items

  6. Map values on the Prompt Value Mappings page.

    • The full list of values that may be included in the source data are in the Application Profile Specification Guide from Scoir. Request access to the guide here.

    • You may use Append Values to map the possible source values prior to receiving them in the data.

  7. Add Field Fusions and Static Mappings as needed.

  8. With remapping completed, return to the CoalitionApplicationCourses source format page using the breadcrumb navigation. 

  9. On the right, click Edit.

  10. Set Remap Active to Active. 

  11. Click Save


The following source format settings should not be updated:

  • Unsafe (Unsafe): Setting the source format to unsafe allows the import to update the necessary fields even if an application exists.

  • Type (One-Time / Differential): This setting retains each source as new sources come in. Since an application is sent one time, changing this setting to Cumulative will degrade the integration and could result in data loss.

  • Update Only (Update Only): Setting the source format to update only tells the import that new records should not be created if a matching record is not found. This import will match onto the appropriate record using the Coalition Application ID.

  • Format Definitions: As a standard source format, format definitions are inherited. Updating the settings on the Format Definition tab will result in the inherited settings being overridden and will potentially degrade the integration.

  • Import Automations: The data sent from Scoir is automated through the integration, so there is no need to adjust any settings on the Import Automation tab.

Course Sections

There are up to four different course sections that are used to collect course data on the Coalition application:

  • Completed College Course Work

  • In Progress College Course Work

  • High School Underclass Course Work

  • High School Senior Course Work

The specific course section where the applicant entered the course is included in the courseSection source field.

The course sections available to applicants to complete are dictated by your institution's settings with Coalition.

Course Scope

In this section, the word scope refers to the specific record with which a particular item is associated. Courses may have one of two scopes: person or application.

Courses that are application-scoped are associated with just one specific application.

Courses that are person-scoped are associated with the person record as a whole.

If your institution would like to segment the courses so that the course data submitted for a specific application applies to only that application, then courses should be application-scoped.

If your institution would like to allow course data submitted on an application to be available to any application on that person record, then the imported courses should be person-scoped.

By default, courses that are imported are person-scoped. This setting can be overridden for all courses in the import by adding a Static Mapping to set the School Course: Application-Scoped Course destination to the value to Yes. 


Course Configurations

Courses can utilize customizable prompt options for a number of standard data points:


Prompt Key

Course Name

course_name * if this prompt key does not exist, this field will store a free-text value.

Course Type


Grade Level


Course Level




Course Grade

course_grade * if this prompt key does not exist, this field will store a free-text value.

Course Grade

High school course grades include interim grade data by term as well as a final grade (when available). The source format includes the final grade data in three different fields, depending on the grading scale:

hs_course_term_final_grade_value - This includes the values: A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F, PASS, FAIL, SATISFACTORY, UNSATISFACTORY, WITHDRAWN, INCOMPLETE

hs_course_term_final_numgrade - This includes the numeric grade value if the grading scale is numeric.

hs_course_term_final_othergrade - This includes the free-text value entered if the grading scale selected was indicated as an unlisted grading scale.

All three of these fields are mutually exclusive (only one value will exist among all three source fields), so they are all mapped to the School Course: Grade destination.

Terms that do not contain the final grades are not mapped to the course grade; however, custom course-scoped fields may be used if desired to store this information. 


College Data:

College coursework includes the academic year and the term (e.g., FALL, SPRING) as source data fields.  Neither of these two fields are mapped individually by default in the source format. Instead, a Field Fusion is used to derive the approximate semester start date for the course: the academic year in the source field col_course_acad_year and the term, which is translated into an approximate month in the source field col_course_term_month.  

If your institution utilizes course term prompts, you may choose to use that data point instead or in addition to this semester mapping.

High School Data:

High school coursework does not include academic year information, so the semester date cannot be determined. Instead, the grade level (i.e., 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th) are sent in the hs_course_year source field, and this field is mapped to the School Course: Grade Level destination. If you intend to use this field, be sure to visit the Prompt Value Mappings page to set the destination values for each of the grade levels.

Import Timing

Course data is sent from Scoir at the same time the profile data is sent. While the profile data is imported in real-time via the CoalitionApplicationProfile source format, the course data will import during the normal import process, so it will occur after the application is created.

See the previous article in this section for information on the CoalitionApplicationProfile source format.

Have questions? Check out the Coalition FAQ article.

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