- 04 Feb 2025
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College Board Landscape
- Updated 04 Feb 2025
- 14 minute read
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Landscape™ provides consistent applicant high school and neighborhood data to help admissions officers fully consider every student, no matter where they live.
The standard resources necessary to provide record data to College Board (and to import the associated Landscape data into Slate) can all be located within the Slate Research Configuration Library. These resources include:
Research source: Stores Landscape data based on the high school, neighborhood, and score data that was provided to College Board.
Record export query: Exports selected record data that can be uploaded to College Board.
Source format: Imports the Landscape data to the Landscape research source.
Step 1: Research source and additional configurations
Initiate the Landscape process in Slate
To initiate the Landscape process in Slate:
Contact the Future Admissions Tools and Models Initiative at [email protected].
College Board begins to set up Landscape from their side and notify Technolutions when this is complete.
Technolutions sets up Landscape configurations within your institution’s database and notifies College Board.
College Board provides the final notification to your institution that Landscape configurations are ready and you may proceed to the next step listed below.
Add the College Board Landscape Research Source
All of the elements needed to exchange data between Slate and College Board exist in the Research Configuration Library.
To add the College Board Landscape research source:
Select Database from the main navigation.
Under Configurations, select Research Configurations.
From the right navigation, select Library.
From the right navigation, select the Admissions folder.
Select College Board Landscape from the list of research sources.
To the right of the research source name, click the plus sign. A confirmation popup appears.
Click OK.
Add Additional Landscape Configurations
In addition to the data keys needed for the Landscape research source and the prompts associated with those data keys, both of which were added to your database automatically when you added the research source, the College Board Landscape research source lets you easily add the following items to your database from one convenient location:
The data keys needed for the Landscape research source (included by default)
The prompts utilized by certain data keys (included by default)
A query formatted to the College Board Landscape specifications that can be exported and uploaded for tagging by College Board
A source format to import the tagged data back into Slate.
To add these additional elements:
Click the plus sign next to the item. A summary popup appears.
Click Add.
If the item has a confirmation popup, click OK.
Now that the Landscape resources have been added from the library, the next section will walk us through additional configurations required before use.
Step 2: Customize the Export Query
The College Board Landscape Export query contains export values arranged and formatted to comply with the specifications necessary for the file to be consumed by College Board's data tagging system. There are certain customizations that must take place to the query prior to using it.
Since many of the data points needed by College Board for tagging are stored as custom data points within Slate, there are certain placeholder export values that use Literal values to indicate that they need to be replaced.
Additionally, there are some decisions that your institution may choose to make about the specific type of data that should be exported, such us sending a permanent address or a mailing address.
To customize the query:
Select Queries from Queries / Reports in the main navigation.
Use the search bar to find and select College Board Landscape Query.
Click Edit Query.
Click Save Copy so that you can reference the original, standard query, or start over if necessary.
Enter a name and (optionally) select a new folder for the copied query.
Click Copy. You are directed to the new query's edit page.
For each Literal export that features the text ** Custom (for example, Application_Type), add a new export to the query that targets the appropriate data point within Slate. Give this export the same name as the literal export with which it corresponds. Click X to delete the placeholder export. Reference the College Board Landscape Data Points table for more information about each of the necessary data points.
Add filter criteria to limit the records sent to College Board.
(Optional): If desired, adjust any standard exports to point to custom data points instead.
Note: Make sure that the export name and the export data type remain the same.
Once the query has been finalized, the query can be run manually to generate a data file.
College Board Landscape Data Points
Files uploaded to College Board's system must adhere to the specified format. Each column header must be included, regardless of whether your institution supplies data in that field.
Field | Form or Allowed Values | Description |
| Original format | Unique identifier for each record. The applicant_id should be anonymous, that is, not allowing personal identification of the student from publicly available information. It should not be the student's Social Security Number. |
| Text string | Line 1 – use permanent or mailing address |
| Text string | Line 2 – use permanent or mailing address |
| Text string | Line 3 – use permanent or mailing address |
| Text string | City name |
| 2 character string | Customary 2 character state abbreviation |
| 5-digit numeric | 5 digit zip code |
| Text string | Full country name |
| 11-digit number | OPTIONAL – submit GeoID in lieu of address |
| 6-digit number | CEEB code of the high school the applicant attended |
| 1, 2 or 3 | 1 = Female |
| 3-digit numeric | 3 digit SAT score |
| 3-digit numeric | 3 digit SAT score |
| 2-digit numeric | 2 digit ACT score |
| 3-digit numeric | 3 digit SAT score |
| 3-digit numeric | 3 digit SAT score |
| 3-digit numeric | 3 digit SAT score |
| 2-digit numeric | 2 digit ACT score |
| 2-digit numeric | 2 digit ACT score |
| 2-digit numeric | 2 digit ACT score |
| 2-digit numeric | 2 digit ACT score |
| 2-digit numeric | 2 digit ACT score |
| 1 or 2 | 1 = Early |
| 0, 1 | 0 = not admitted |
| 0, 1 | 0 = not enrolled |
| 0 or 1 | 0 = not waitlisted This variable only covers whether an applicant was waitlisted at any time during the admissions process; the applicant's final admission status should be indicated in the decision. |
| 3-digit numeric | First year GPA (0.00 – 4.0 scale) |
| 0 or 1 | 0 = not retained to sophomore year |
| 1 – 9 | OPTIONAL 1 = White |
| 4-digit numeric | Year of Fall Term for which the applicant applied |
| 0 or 1 | OPTIONAL 0 = not first generation |
| 3-digit numeric | High school GPA (0.00 – 5.00 scale) |
| 0 or 1 | OPTIONAL 0 = not Pell eligible |
| 1 or 2-digit numeric | Number of AP exams taken (0-38) |
| 3-digit numeric | Average of all AP exam scores (Min=1.00; Max=5.00) |
| Numeric | Number of IB exams taken |
| Numeric | Average of all IB exams taken |
| Original format | Custom data field for use by institution. This field can hold up to 100 alphanumeric characters. Use this field to keep track of information for further distinction of records or for your own research purposes (e.g. distinguish between fall and winter applicants for 2020, identify scholarship candidates or honors scholars, etc.). |
| Original format | Custom data field for use by institution. This field can hold up to 100 alphanumeric characters. Use this field to keep track of information for further distinction of records or for your own research purposes (e.g. distinguish between fall and winter applicants for 2020, identify scholarship candidates or honors scholars, etc.). |
| Original format | Custom data field for use by institution. This field can hold up to 100 alphanumeric characters. Use this field to keep track of information for further distinction of records or for your own research purposes (e.g. distinguish between fall and winter applicants for 2020, identify scholarship candidates or honors scholars, etc.). |
Permanent or Mailing Address
In the query template from the library, the top-ranked address, regardless of the type, is included in the data. Your institution can customize the type of address to send to College Board for tagging. This choice largely depends on how your institution captures and stores address data.
For example, if you always capture the mailing address, but only ask for permanent address if it is different, send the mailing address to College Board. If your institution captures a mixture of permanent and mailing addresses, you may wish to use the top-ranked address, regardless of the type.
To update the included address:
Select Queries from Queries / Reports in the main navigation.
Use the search bar to find and select College Board Landscape Query.
Click Edit Query.
In the Joins section, select the Address subquery join.
Click Filter.
Add filters to limit which addresses are eligible for inclusion in the data. In this example, the Address Type filter limits the address types that are exported.
Click Save once all of the desired filters and adjustments to the join are complete.
📝 Note
While the default, library version of this join has no filters, it includes a sort to order the addresses on the record by their overall rank. Since this is a subquery join, only one row is returned for each record. This effectively limits the address data to the rank 1 overall address on the record.
If you add an address type filter, then only addresses in the selected type are eligible for inclusion, and those addresses are then sorted by the overall rank to return just a single address for the record.
International addresses cannot be tagged.
Test Score Options
Verified or Self-Reported Scores
In the query template from the library, test scores are used regardless of the verification status (self-reported or verified). If your institution elects to send only verified test scores, follow the steps below.
SAT Scores
📝 NoteThe SAT scores included in the joins described below are the highest combined scores from a single test date. If your institution would like to send the highest SAT scores achieved, regardless of the test date (superscores), follow the instructions in the section Single Test Date or Superscore: SAT instead.
To filter the query for verified SAT scores only:
Select Queries from Queries / Reports in the main navigation.
Use the search bar to find and select College Board Landscape Query.
Click Edit Query.
In the Joins section, select the Tests - SAT R subquery join.
Add the Status filter.
Select Verified.
Click Save to finish adding the filter.
Click Save to save the join.
Repeat steps 1 - 5 for the join Tests - SAT I.
ACT Scores
📝 NoteThe ACT scores included in the joins described below are superscored. If your institution would like to send the scores associated with the highest composite score from a single test administration, follow the instructions in the section Single Test Date or Superscore: ACT instead.
To modify the query to send only verified ACT Composite scores:
Select Queries from Queries / Reports in the main navigation.
Use the search bar to find and select College Board Landscape Query.
Click Edit Query.
Select the export ACT_Composite.
For each subquery export in the ACT_Composite export (English, Math, Reading, Science, and Writing):
Edit the subquery export.
Add the Status filter under the Tests section.
Selected Verified.
Click Save to save the filter.
Click Save to save the subquery export.
Repeat these sub-steps for each remaining subquery export.
Click Save.
To modify the query to send only verified ACT component scores, for each of the component score export columns (ACT_English
, ACT_Math
, ACT_Reading
, ACT_Science
, and ACT_Writing
Select Queries from Queries / Reports in the main navigation.
Use the search bar to find and select College Board Landscape Query.
Click Edit Query.
Select the export to modify (for example,
).Add the Status filter under the Tests section.
Select Verified.
Click Save to save the filter.
Click Save to save the changes to the export.
Repeat these steps for the remaining ACT component score query export columns.
AP and IB Scores
To send only information about verified test scores for AP and IB exams, for each of the exports Number_of_AP_exams
, AP_Average
, Number_of_IB_exams
, IB_Average
Select Queries from Queries / Reports in the main navigation.
Use the search bar to find and select College Board Landscape Query.
Click Edit Query.
Select the export to modify (for example,
).Add the Status filter under the Tests section.
Select Verified.
Click Save to save the filter.
Click Save to save the changes to the export.
Repeat these steps for the remaining AP and IB query export columns.
Single Test Date or Superscore: SAT
The default query template uses the top-ranked test scores for each SAT type (SAT R and SAT I) on a single test date. If your institution would like to send the highest combined scores, regardless of the test date, follow these steps to modify the query.
To superscore SAT test scores for a given type:
Select Queries from Queries / Reports in the main navigation.
Use the search bar to find and select College Board Landscape Query.
Click Edit Query.
Delete the exports in the query that correspond with the test score type (for example,
).Delete the join that supported the deleted export columns (for example, Tests - SAT R).
Note: Any query references to the join must be removed before the can be deleted.![]()
SAT R examplesClick Subquery Export. This replaces the first of the two exports you deleted.
Configure the following settings:
Click Join. Select the test type corresponding with the export being configured (for example, Tests - SAT R).
Click Continue.
Click Export. Add the export from the added join's section (for example, Tests - SAT R) that corresponds with the column you are configuring, for example, Evidence-Based Reading and Writing.
Click Continue.
Click Subquery Filter. The filter requires the test score is ranked to prevent the inclusion of cancelled, discrepancy status, and test optional scores in the data. Configure the following settings:
Name: Customizable and used solely for the configuration (for example, "Rank Exists").
Type: Dependent subquery
Aggregate: Exists
Within the subquery filter, click Export.
Add the Rank export from the added join's section.
(Optional) Send only verified test scores
If your institution would like to send only Verified test scores to College Board, add the Status filter from within the added join's section (for example, Tests - SAT R).
Within the subquery export, click Filter.
Under the join's section (in this example, Tests - SAT R), select Status.
Click Continue.
Select the Verified status.
Click Save.
Lastly, click Save to save the new subquery export.
Completed SAT EBRW superscore subquery export (SAT R example).
For each remaining export column associated with the current test type that must be replaced:
Use the Copy button on the export created in the steps above to open a replica of the export created.
Update the Name to the name of the column you are configuring (e.g., SAT_Math).
Delete the query export (e.g., Tests - SAT R Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Section)
Click Export.
Select an export from the join section (for example, Tests - SAT R) that corresponds with the column being replaced (for example, Math Section).
Click Continue.
Click Save Copy.
If both SAT score types should be superscored, Repeat Steps 1-7 for the other test type.
Completed SAT Math section superscore subquery export (SAT R example).
Single Test Date or Superscore: ACT
In the default query template, the ACT test type is superscored. If your institution would like to send the scores associated with the highest composite score from a single test administration, follow the steps below to modify the query.
To send ACT scores associated with the highest composite score from a single test administration:
Select Queries from Queries / Reports in the main navigation.
Use the search bar to find and select College Board Landscape Query.
Click Edit Query.
Delete the exports that correspond with the ACT test score components:
Click Join.
In the Person, select Tests - ACT.
Click Subquery Filter.
To require that the test score is ranked to prevent the inclusion of cancelled, discrepancy status, and test optional scores in the data, configure the following settings:
Within the subquery filter, click Export.
Select Rank from the Tests- ACT join's section.
Click Continue.
Optional: If your institution would like to send only Verified test scores to College Board, add the Status filter from within the Tests - ACT join's section.
Within the subquery filter:
Click Filter.
Under the Test - ACT join's section, select Status.
Click Continue.
Select Verified.
Click Sort.
Select Rank. This orders the matching ACT scores by rank (highest composite score first). Since this is a join, only the first score to meet the filter criteria will be included, so ordering by rank ensures that the data included in the query is from the highest highest composite ACT score achieved.
Click Export.
Select exports for each of the ACT score components from the Tests - ACT join configured previously:
Rename each of the exports to match the column headers required by The College Board:
Step 3: Configure the Remap Settings for the Source Format
Once a file has been received from College Board, the Remap settings must be configured and then activated. Many of the source fields are pre-mapped to the College Board Landscape research source destination.
🔔 Important!
Remap settings are customizable, with the following exception: Mapped
field is the Slate GUID that was sent in the data export.This value is used for matching purposes back to Slate, and it is mapped to the Slate GUID Matching Only destination.
Changing this mapping destination will prevent records from importing appropriately.
To configure the source format's remap settings:
Select Database from the top navigation.
Under Import, select Source Formats.
From the list, select College Board Landscape.
Select Remap. View the standard, pre-mapped Slate destinations, and update the settings according to your institution's needs. Refer to the Source Formats section of the Knowledge Base for additional details on the configuration of source formats.
Navigate back to the source format's landing page.
Select Edit from the upper right.
Update Remap Active to Active.
📝 NoteThe data in the files from College Board contains data that was exported from Slate in addition to the Landscape data. The Slate GUID (included as the applicant_id column) is therefore able to be used for matching purposes. Bio/demo and score data exported from Slate should not be mapped back to those destinations within Slate.
Exporting Data from Slate
Navigate to the landing page for the College Board Landscape: Record Export query configured in the previous section.
Use the Run to Browser button to download the data from the query as a CSV file.
Follow the steps outlined on the Landscape Help page to upload this file to College Board's Landscape system and retrieve a tagged data file from College Board.
Importing Landscape Data
Navigate to the landing page for the College Board Landscape source format added earlier.
Click Upload File(s).
Upload the files retrieved from College Board's Landscape system.
If you have already configured the source format and activated the Remap settings, Slate will automatically process the import during the next import job cycle (typically within 15 minutes).
If you have not yet configured the source format, return to the section Configure the Remap Settings for the Source Format. Once the source format's Remap Active setting is Active, the data will import during the next import job cycle.