Consolidate Records - Custom Dashboard
  • 20 Nov 2023
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Consolidate Records - Custom Dashboard

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Article summary

A Dashboard query - created via Query Builder - is a query that pulls in and displays custom data fields. They are intended to be read only and, in this example, can be configured to display pertinent data while reviewing potential duplicate records in Consolidate Records.

Create the Dashboard Query

  1. Select Queries / Reports on the top navigation bar.

  2. Select New Query.

  3. Enter the following configurations:

    • Name: Name the query.

    • Sharing: Select Share query with other users with the query and query base permissions.

    • Folder: Select System.

    • Base: Select the population desired. This can be Prospects, Relationships, Schools, or a Dataset.

    • System Key: Select Dashboard Dedupe.

  4. Select exports for the data to be displayed. Double-click on each export and give it a computer-friendly name (lower case letters and no spaces). 

View the Dashboard

With the query created and the appropriate exports added, follow the breadcrumbs back to the initial query page. 

  1. At the right, a new button appears under Edit Query. Select Edit Dashboard.

  2. Using the WYSIWYG editor, configure the dashboard as desired.

    Insert a table, add in the field display labels in the left column, and add the merge field export values in the right column. Be sure to type in the computer-friendly names of the export merge fields using curly braces.

  3. Select Save.

Configure the Dashboard

Navigate to Consolidate Records via Database, and after selecting Compare for two records, the Dashboard appears at the top. 

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