Consolidating Criteria for Dataset Records
  • 19 Apr 2024
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Consolidating Criteria for Dataset Records

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Article summary


Consolidate Records is a powerful tool for identifying and consolidating duplicate records in the database. Using this tool requires exercising caution and an understanding of how Slate identifies duplicates and merges records. 

This article covers the matching criteria used in the Consolidate Records tool to match a main dataset record to a duplicate dataset record.

Dataset records are only considered a match if both dataset records are associated with the same dataset.

Duplicate Evaluation Process

Matching Criteria


Name + Related Dataset

Exact match on name and related dataset record. For example, two Organization Contacts named John Doe are associated with the same Organization.

Username + Related Dataset

Exact match on default username dataset field and related dataset record.

Name + Address

Exact match on name, street address, and postal code.

Custom Unique for Matching Fields

Exact match on a custom field scoped to the dataset, configured to be unique for merging (Legacy ID, SIS ID, etc.) 

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