Dashboard for Advancement
  • 23 Nov 2023
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Dashboard for Advancement

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Article summary

This article covers the contents of the Dashboard record tab of the constituent record.


Dashboard Tab

The Dashboard tab of a constituent record summarizes the record's personal information. The dashboard tab includes three sections: top, bottom, and right. 

Top Section

The top section of the Dashboard tab can be customized using a dashboard query. Custom, read-only information about the constituent record can be displayed here. This section is blank by default. 

Top Section of Constituent Record's Dashboard Tab

Bottom Section

The bottom section summarizes the constituent's biographic information, activity history, recent interactions, academic history, and employment history. 

Bottom Section of Constituent Record's Dashboard Tab


Displays sex, birthdate, age, citizenship, and race information.

Activity History

Review constituent engagement using this display of interactions along a timeline. The activities tracked on the timeline are interactions: events, logins, emails sent, emails opened, and emails clicked.


Displays the three most recent interactions. 

Academic History

Displays three institutions from the Schools section ordered by the rank overall of the institution on the record.

Employment History

Displays the three most recent jobs from the jobs section.

Right Section 

The right section displays the constituent's address, contact information, record tags, unsubscribe requests, record status history, populations, and events. 

Right Section of Constituent Record's Dashboard Tab


Displays the rank one overall address (also referred to as Active Address) with the addresses location being indicated on a map.


Displays the rank one email, phone, mobile, and evening phone number from the device tab on the Contact / Address section.


All person-scoped tags appear here, enabling administrators to assign or un-assign a tag to a constituent record by clicking it.

Unsubscribe Requests

Appears when message groups are created. This section is used to opt the constituent record out from future communications from a selected message group. Like tags, an administrator can assign and un-assign a constituent to a message group.

Status History

Displays a history of changes to the constituent records status. Found in the upper right corner of the record, next to the nine-digit Slate Reference ID. 


Displays any populations to which the constituent record is currently assigned.


Displays any recent events for which the constituent has registered. 

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