Contact Information
  • 07 Apr 2024
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Contact Information

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Article summary

Capturing contact information on an inquiry form is essential for future marketing campaigns. Email Address and Mailing Address are among the required fields that included by default. If outreach efforts also include calling students, it is important to capture a phone number information on the inquiry form.

Use the Form Builder Palette to add a Text Box to a form.

  • Status - Set field to Active.

  • Type - Select the appropriate format type for question.

  • Label - This text will display as the instruction for question.

  • System Field -  Map this field to the appropriate system field. The first menu corresponds with the different sections of the student record under the Profile tab. Once section is selected, choose the corresponding system field from the dropdown list. (e.g. 'phone number' is in the Record section of the Student Record.)

  • Export Key - The Export Key will automatically populate based on the system field selected (e.g. sys:phone).

  • Data Type - Change the data type to 'Telephone'. This will automatically format valid phone numbers  entered on the form. When invalid characters (e.g. letters) are entered, the value will display as red, alerting prospective students to an entry error.

  • Size - Change the size to 32 so this field will match the other field widths.

  • Options - Check 'Required' for fields that are required. (Note: Form cannot be submitted without responses for Required fields.)


Once entered, the Phone Number field will validate and format the submitted information as follows:


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