Controlling Access to Configurable Joins
  • 28 Feb 2024
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Controlling Access to Configurable Joins

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Article summary

Users with the overall Query (Configurable Joins - Base Access) and Query (Configurable Joins - Join Access) permissions can build queries on and join to any Record, Related, or System base. More limited access can be defined as needed. To set the access:

  1. Click Database and in the Users & Access section, select Security Dashboard. The Security Dashboard summary page appears with a list of links on the right side of the page.

  2. Click Active Users. The Active Users summary page appears with a list of user accounts.

  3. Click a user in the list. Their active user account page appears.

  4. Click Edit User. Their account appears in a popup.

  5. Select the Permissions tab. A list of all permissions appears, with the user’s granted permissions selected.

  6. Define the user’s access using the permissions described below.

Individual Base Permissions

  1. Locate the Query (Configurable Joins - Base Access) permission in the list.

    If the checkbox for the permission is selected, clear it.

  2. An Expand Permissions link appears. Click the link.

  3. Select the desired bases to limit the user’s queries.

  4. Click Save.

Individual Join Permissions

  1. Locate the Query (Configurable Joins - Join Access) permission in the list.

    If the checkbox for the permission is selected, clear it.

  2. An Expand Permissions link appears. Click the link.

  3. Select the desired joins to limit the user’s queries.

  4. Click Save.

Population-aware query bases

  • On the Population tab of the user account, granting the Query - Person or Query - Application permission permits the user to create queries on the Person by Population or Application by Population bases, which will return only records in the populations for which the user has access.

  • Custom field permissions - Read permissions set on custom fields are enforced within Configurable Joins exports and filters. If a custom field has a permission set, and the user does not have that permission, they will not be able to select the field as an export or filter.

For more information

For additional information on managing Configurable Joins permissions, refer to the Controlling Record Access article in the Knowledge Base.

For additional information on Configurable Joins Query Bases, refer to the Descriptions of Standard Configurable Joins Query Bases article in the Knowledge Base.

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