Creating a Custom Dataset Dashboard for Advancement
  • 23 Nov 2023
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Creating a Custom Dataset Dashboard for Advancement

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Article summary

A custom dataset dashboard will appear in the top section of the Dashboard tab on a dataset record. For more information about dashboards, refer to the Advancement Dashboard Overview Knowledge Base article.

A custom dataset dashboard will display in the top section of the Dashboard tab on a dataset record.

Creating a Dataset Dashboard

  1. Select Queries / Reports on the Slate navigation bar.

  2. Select New Query.

  3. Enter the following configurations:

    • Name: Provide a short, descriptive name, such as "Funds Dashboard." (The query does not need to be named "Dashboard.")

    • Sharing: Select Share query with other users with the query and query base permissions.

    • Folder: Select System. (If the System folder does not yet exist, select Other and then enter "System.")

    • Base: Select the Dataset base the dashboard should be linked to from the Records Category of a Configurable Joins type query. For example, for a fund's dashboard, select the Funds base. 

    • System Key: If the System folder already exists in the database, the System Key setting appears automatically. Select Dashboard for this setting. If the System folder was just created, save the query, go back to the Edit page, and select Dashboard for this setting.

Adding the Exports

  1. Select exports for the data to be displayed.

  2. Double-click on each export, and give it a computer-friendly name (no spaces, all lowercase letters)

You can also add filters to your dashboard query if necessary. Filters cause the dashboard to only display records that meet the filter criteria. To conditionally display information on a dashboard, use Liquid markup and an existence export.

Configuring the Dashboard


The merge field name and the query export name must match exactly. If the two names do not match, the dashboard will not display the data.

  1. Follow the breadcrumbs in the new query and click Edit Dashboard.

  2. Using the WYSIWYG editor, configure the dashboard as desired. Enter the computer-friendly names of the exports as merge fields using curly braces.

Create multiple dashboards if certain data points should only display based on the population filter.

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