Creating Default Query Builder Templates
  • 20 Nov 2023
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Creating Default Query Builder Templates

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Article summary

This article explains how to create Query Builder templates that will preset fresh queries with the most commonly used filters and exports. Each template is defined by the settings in a default query that establishes the preset filters and exports by population and user.

This is meant to make query building more efficient by reducing the amount of time it takes to create a query. A default query template can be created for every population as a personal shortcut or a helpful starting point for all users; however, make sure to align the creation of these default query templates with the institution's business practice. Having to delete several preset filters and exports from every query may be as time consuming as having to add them in.

Configure the Default Query

  1. Click Queries / Reports in the top navigation bar.

  2. Click New Query

  3. Enter the following configurations in the popup window:

    • Name - Enter "Default".

    • User - This will default to the user creating this query.

    • Sharing - Check this box to establish this default query configuration for other users with the relevant query permissions. Do not place a check in this box if the default query is intended to be a personal template only.

    • Folder - Place this query in the "Templates" folder. If there is not one available, select "Other" and enter "Templates".

    • Type and Base - Choose the base for this default query template by first selecting the base type.

  4. Add the most frequently used exports and filters to the default query.

 What are the most frequently used exports/filters in Slate?

While this will be a different answer for each user and for each institution, some of the most common are:

  • Exports: Slate ID, SIS ID, Name, Email, Active Address, School #1 Name

  • Filters: Prospect Status, Application Status, Application Period Active, Round, Tag

This seems similar to using pinned exports/filters. What's the difference? 

  • Pinning exports/filters - is another time-saving process and can complement the efficiency of a default query template.

  • The default query template - saves automatically, meaning that each time a new query is started, these exports/filters will already be configured and added, rather than having to manually select and add them (even from a pinned list).

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