- 03 Apr 2024
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Custom Interactions
- Updated 03 Apr 2024
- 3 minute read
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All interactions that occur in Slate, such as emails, texts, events, gifts, and file imports, are automatically captured and stored on the Interactions tab. Any other types of interactions or communications with constituents can be added as custom interactions.
You can configure these custom interactions in the Activity & Interactions Codes section of the database. Before creating interaction codes, organize all interactions into main categories (parent codes) and subcodes. Categorizing interaction codes ensures easy navigation and maintenance. For example:
Category (Parent) | Interaction (Subcode) |
Mailing | Sent Letter |
Contact | Call with Student Call with Donor |
Best Practice
Use this opportunity to reorganize current interactions and make them more efficient and intuitive. Avoid creating unnecessary and outdated interactions. Remember that less is more. Slate adds many interactions automatically, so there is no need to create additional interaction codes for the items automatically added.
Creating Custom Interactions
Adding Parent Codes
Select Database on the Slate navigation bar. The Database page appears.
In the Records and Datasets section, select Activity & Interaction Codes. The Activity & Interaction Codes summary page appears.
Click Insert. An Insert Record in Activity & Interaction Codes popup appears.
Enter the following configurations:
Status: Set to Active.
Folder: Keep your codes organized by putting them in a folder. Select Other to create a new folder.
Type: Select the proper Type depending on the anticipated use.
Interaction: These are entered and displayed on the person record, and are used for recording person-level interactions.
Application Activity: These are interactions appear on the application tab, and are used for recording application-specific information.
Activity/Interaction: These interactions can be entered on the either the person record or the application, and they appear on the tab where they are entered.
Code: Set a code that is clear and easy to understand. Use lowercase letters and no spaces.
Parent Code: Leave this setting blank.
Label: This is the name of the interaction as it will appear.
Slate supports numeric, alphanumeric, and descriptive text-based codes for easy identification and maintenance.
Adding Subcodes
Select Database on the Slate navigation bar. The Database page appears.
In the Records and Datasets section, select Activity & Interaction Codes. The Activity & Interaction Codes summary page appears.
Click Insert. An Insert Record in Activity & Interaction Codes popup appears.
Enter the following configurations:
Status: Set to Active.
Folder: Keep your codes organized by putting them in a folder. Select Other to create a new folder.
Type: Select the proper Type depending on the anticipated use:
Interaction: These are entered and displayed on the person record, and are used for recording person-level interactions.
Application Activity: These are interactions appear on the application tab, and are used for recording application-specific information.
Activity/Interaction: These interactions can be entered on the either the person record or the application, and they appear on the tab where they are entered.
Code: Set a code that is clear and easy to understand. Use lowercase letters and no spaces.
Parent Code: Select an existing value from the list.
Label: This is the name of the interaction as it will appear.
Once all subcodes have been created along with their parent codes, they will appear as shown here:
Adding Custom Interactions to Records
Click the Search (“lookup”) field in the upper-right area of the Slate page and search for a record.
Select the Timeline tab on the record.
Click New Interaction. An Interaction popup appears.
Enter the following configurations:
User: This defaults to the currently logged in user.
Code: Select the parent code interaction. If a subcode exists for this parent code, a Subcode list appears.
Subcode: Select the subcode interaction (if applicable).
Date: This defaults to the current date and time, but the value can be changed.
Subject: Provide an appropriate subject that will appear on the record’s Timeline tab. If no additional information is needed other than the interaction code, leave this blank.
Private Comments: Text entered here is only visible administratively.
Public: Select to open a Public Comments field. Text entered here is posted along with the subject text to the record’s online status.
If a link is entered in the Subject or Comments of an interaction, a Links section appears in the interaction record to display the included links.
When saving an active link with an interaction, be sure to include the correct https:// or http:// prefix in the URL to ensure a functional hyperlink.
Selecting the Interactions link in the right-side area of the Timeline opens a Search Interactions field and checkboxes to select specific interaction types. A list of interactions based on parent codes might also appear.