Custom Registration Pages and Self-Service Rescheduling
  • 07 May 2024
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Custom Registration Pages and Self-Service Rescheduling

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Article summary

Custom Registration Page Columns

Custom registration columns can be used to replace default registration columns in forms, events, and slots. Any customization to the columns within a form/event registration page will result in the default columns being entirely replaced. When utilized for events and slots, these custom registration columns carry over into the 'Launch Check In' screen.

To customize the registration columns:

  1. Click Forms, Events, or Scheduler in the top navigation bar.

  2. Select the form/event/interview.

  3. Click Edit Form.

  4. Click Edit Properties.

  5. Under Custom List Fields, click Export to add one or more custom registration columns. Double click on the export for further refinement (e.g., controlling the format mask for dates).

  6. Click Save

    Added new form fields and not seeing them as an option? Likely, you will have to break the cache on your form for the new exports under the custom list fields to update from the previous exports. This can be solved by removing all the current custom list fields within Edit Properties, saving, and then re-adding them. 

The size of a custom column can be customized by entering the number of pixels or the width percentage desired within the Display Width section. For example:

Setting the column sizes using pixels


Setting the sizes using percentages



If a custom field connected to the user prompts should display the user name in the column, rather than the user ID, the SQL snippet below can be used to adjust the format of the export.

(select [name] from [user] where [user] = @val)

To use this format mask, select 'Custom SQL' for the format type of the export and save this code in the 'Format Mask' setting.

Self-Service Rescheduling

Registrants can reschedule themselves for events, within the same template, by using Registrant-side rescheduling.

Can related events be rescheduled using this feature?

This feature is currently only available for registrations that do not include related events. If a registrant uses this feature on a master event with related events selected, those related events will not carry through to the rescheduled registration.

When a registration includes related events, it is recommended to have the registrant cancel their registration (which will cancel the related events as well) and re-register for another date.

Allow Rescheduling

The Date Range Start and Date Range End settings are relative to the event date being rescheduled. For instance, if a registrant is rescheduling an event on January 31, 2023 with the following settings:

  • Date Range Start: 30

  • Date Range End: 60

The registrant will see eligible events that range from March 2, 2023 to April 1, 2023.

Upon registering, registrants will now be given the option to reschedule based on the configurations specified above.

To allow rescheduling:

  1. Click Events in the top navigation bar.

  2. Navigate to the event template in which rescheduling is to be allowed.

  3. Click Edit in the top right-hand corner.

  4. Navigate to the Rescheduling tab and check off 'Allow Rescheduling.'

  5. Specify the following configurations:

    • Reschedule Folders - Select the event folders that registrants will be able to reschedule for.

    • Include Current Folder - Check this box if rescheduling should be allowed for the current folder.

    • Date Range Start - Include a date range start, if desired. If left blank, it will default to a week prior to the event originally registered for.

    • Date Range End - Include a data range end. For example, 90 days.

    • Unavailable Message - Include a message to be displayed if there are no upcoming events in the dates range.

🔔 Important!

Registrants will only be able to reschedule for events within the same template. When selecting folders, select folders that represent events within the same template.

Rescheduling should only be used when the form responses associated with the event relate to or create records in Slate. If the form only uses export keys (rather than system fields), do not use this feature.

Rescheduling an event/interview will only transfer data points from the form that are mapped to system fields – think of the rescheduled form as a new form that is pre-filled by system field information only. If the registration form includes a number of unmapped form fields that are important to your process, then follow our best practice recommendation for rescheduling

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