Customizing the New Record Lookup Link
  • 27 Nov 2023
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Customizing the New Record Lookup Link

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Article summary

Follow the steps in this article to customize and replace the New Record form for Person, Organization, Organization Contacts, and custom datasets.

Creating a New Record Form

  1. In the top navigation bar, click Forms.

  2. Click New Form.

  3. Enter the following Form configurations in the popup window:

    • Page Title - The Page Title will be the name of the form.

    • Folder - File the form in a folder to keep things organized. Select Other to create a new folder.

    • Status - Set the Status to Confirmed/Active.

    Skip all other configuration settings for now.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Click Edit Form.

  6. Click Edit Properties.

  7. Select the appropriate Scope of the form to match the dataset in which the new record is to be added from this form. If this form is for a custom dataset, select the Dataset scope, and from the drop-down list select the appropriate custom Dataset from the dropdown menu.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Remove all of the default form fields from the form by clicking the icon (if necessary).

  10. Add in the form fields desired when creating a new record.

Click the Slate Scholar Lightbulb    in the top left corner for a complete listing of all setting descriptions.


For any record creation form, Slate will determine whether the incoming data should match on an existing record using the Matching Criteria for Person Records or Dataset Records.  In order to ensure appropriate record matching, it is recommended that a New Record Form contain the following fields:

  • Person: First Name + Last Name + Email address or First Name + Last Name + DOB

  • Organization: CEEB or other unique identifier

  • Organization Contact: The dataset row key or "unique for merging" field

  • Custom or Advancement Datasets: The dataset row key or "unique for merging" field

Integrating the New Record Form

Now that you have created a record creation form, you can use it to replace the default New Record button functionality. These steps depend on whether you have enabled the Configurable Joins Record Lookup early access feature.

Best Practices

The Create Record link available in Inbox is determined by the traditional query base settings, even if you have enabled the Configurable Joins Record Lookup early access feature. The Create Record link will by default reference the new record form link of the Lookup query base, unless a record from a different dataset (such as Organization Contacts) was assigned previously. It is best practice to confirm that the form submitted by the Create Record link is associated with the correct scope for the record being created.

Using Configurable Joins Lookup

  1. On the Records page, click the Searcher icon at top-right.

  2. In the popup, click the Edit Shared Views link.

  3. On the Shared Views page, click the Edit Lookup button.

  4. Select the new record form you created in the dropdown menu.

  5. Click Save.

Using Traditional Query Bases

  1. Within the New Record form that was created, click New Registration.

  2. In the webpage URL, copy the URL from "/manage" onward, leaving out the domain.

  3. In the top navigation bar, click Database and select Query Bases.

  4. Select the query base that should be associated with the New Person form. For example:

    • To customize the New Person button for person records, select Lookup.

    • To customize the New Record button for organization records, select Organizations.

    • To customize/add the New Record button for organization contact records, select Organization Contacts.

  5. In the Create Record URL setting, paste the "New Registration" link copied from Step 2.

  6. Click Save.

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