Customizing the Organization Dashboard
  • 18 Jul 2024
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Customizing the Organization Dashboard

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Article summary

This article describes the function of the New Record link and how to add a custom Organization Contacts data entry form link to a custom Organization dashboard.

Using the Standard New Record Link

Slate provides a New Record link on the Organization record to create a new record for an Organization Contact located on the Organization Dashboard tab.

New Record

New Organization Contacts Record Fields


This is the Display Name of the record.


This is the Dataset Row Key. See the Matching Criteria section of Organization Contacts Overview for more information.


This field will set the Primary Record field and the Primary indicator on the record menu.

Many Slate partners prefer to collect additional data and control how the data is consumed through an Organization Contacts dataset scoped New Record Form. This form is then hyperlinked on a custom Organization dataset-scoped dashboard.

Some Slate partners will also create a Custom Dataset Row Query to replace the pre-delivered Dataset Row Query, which will also remove the New Record link redirecting data entry to the custom form:

Custom Form

🔔 Important!

It is not possible to replace the hyperlink of the New Record link in the standard dataset row query.  The link may be removed by replacing the standard functionality with a Custom Dataset Row query. In addition, it is not possible to add a New Record link in a Custom Dataset Row Query.

Creating the Query

  1. Select Queries / Reports on the top navigation bar.

  2. Select New Query.

  3. Enter the following configurations in the dialog box:

    • Name: Provide a short, descriptive name (such as "Organization Dashboard").

    • Sharing: Select Share query with other users with the query and query base permissions.

    • Folder: Select System. (If the System folder does not yet exist, select Other and then enter "System").

    • Base: Select the Organization query base.

    • System Key: If the System folder already exists in the database, the System Key setting appears. Select Dashboard for this setting. If the System folder was just created, save the query, go back to the Edit page, and then select Dashboard for this setting.

  4. Select exports for the data to be displayed. Double-click on each export, and give it a computer-friendly name (lower case letters and no spaces).

Add any exports you would like to display on the dashboard in the query. If  adding a new record link in the dashboard, an export for CEEB is necessary.

You may also add filters to your Dashboard Query if necessary. Filters cause the dashboard to display only records that meet the filter criteria. If you wish to conditionally display information on a dashboard, use Liquid Markup and an existence export.

Configuring the Dashboard

  1. Follow the breadcrumbs within the query just created, and select Edit Dashboard.

    Edit Dashboard

  2. Using the editor, paste the internal URL of the organization contact new record form or create a hyperlink within an image or key word.


  3. When selecting the new record form hyperlink from the custom dashboard on the Organization record, the Organization in which the new record is associated is not assumed. A query string parameter may be added to the end of the form URL to prepopulate the form with the CEEB code (the Dataset Row Key) of the related Organization record (see Matching Criteria, referenced earlier in this article).

    Query String Parameter
  4. Add the following to the end of the form URL link and the CEEB as an export to the dashboard query:


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