Database Backups and Litigation Holds
  • 23 Apr 2024
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Database Backups and Litigation Holds

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Article summary

If an institution should require a local copy of its database as a result of a litigation hold (also known as a "preservation order" or "hold order"), the institution may submit a ticket under the System Access group for assistance.

There are two options for fulfilling the requirements of a litigation hold:

  1. Downloadable Backup: a copy of your database which you can mount as a SQL Server database locally

  2. Hold Environment: functions like an additional, non-expiring test environment allowing routine access to users

For more information on each, please see the relevant sections below.

Downloadable Backup

This method will provide you with a backup file of your database which you may download for use locally. With this backup file, you'll be able to recreate your underlying Slate database via a restore command. You will be able to query data using SQL queries but will not be able to interact with records through a browser as you do normally within Slate. To use a downloadable backup, you'll need to be able to mount the database and interact with it via SQL. While Technolutions cannot provide support for you to do this, your IT staff may be able to assist.

If you wish to proceed with this option, please submit a ticket to the System Access - Litigation Holds and Database Backups category for additional assistance. In that ticket please include the following information.

  1. A Slate Security Administrator user who will perform the download

  2. The desired "as-of" date (the weekly backup file from the preceding Sunday will be provided)

We will then provide a secure link to download the database backup, as a SQL Server ".bak" file, that will allow the designated user to download the file within 7 days of the link being provided. While the backup file is encrypted in transit, it should only be downloaded to a secure location that provides all necessary data protections.

Hold Environment

This method will provide you with the equivalent of a second test environment which will be accessible via a separate URL. As with any test environment, no emails will be sent from this environment and some automated processes are suspended, but you will have access to most Slate functionality including the ability to run queries, export data, review mailings, and search for person records. Unlike a normal test environment, this hold environment will not expire, even if more than 30 days pass between user logins.

Technolutions will host the database and provide the necessary updates or maintenance to ensure you continue to have access. There is a maintenance fee for which you will be billed annually.

If you wish to proceed with this option, please submit a ticket to the System Access - Litigation Holds and Database Backups category for additional assistance. In the ticket, please include the following information.

  • A Slate Security Administrator user who can update the user permissions as needed

  • The name and contact information for billing the annual maintenance fee

  • The date on which we should clone this test environment (any time in the future or last 90 days)

We will then clone your environment on your requested date (or provision a Time Warp to clone a previous version) into a non-expiring test environment and provide the URL from which you can access the environment.

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