Dataset Types for Advancement
  • 22 Nov 2023
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Dataset Types for Advancement

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Article summary

Dataset types can be used to link a dataset to existing Slate functions and enable features in the dataset. The dataset types are case-sensitive, and when multiple types are added to a dataset, the list of types must be delimited by a comma.  


The giving type enables the giving tab on a dataset.  


The gift_fund type links the dataset records to the fund section of the giving tab for any record that has the giving tab enabled. The dataset records selected from the Fund field autosuggest is what links the gift to the specified dataset record.  


Enables the relationship section of the profile tab and enables the autosuggest on the relationship table.


The job type adds the dataset record names to the job Organization autosuggest. When the name is selected from the autosuggest, the jobs Key field populates with the dataset records Key. The job Key field links the Job to the dataset record. Along with the Key field, the jobs Country, City, and State will populate with the dataset records address information.  


The location type links enable the autosuggest on Location Names for events. The record names in the dataset will be selectable through the Location Name field autosuggest, and when selected, will populate the dataset records address in the event location Country, Street Address, City, State, and Postal Code fields.  


The school type adds the dataset to the Institution autosuggest in the schools section of the profile tab. The record names in the dataset will be selectable through the Institution autosuggest. When the dataset records name is selected from the autosuggest, the school's School Code field will populate with the dataset records Key. The school's School Code field links the school to the dataset record. Along with the School Code field, the school's Country, City, and State will populate with the dataset records address information.      

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