Decision Reasons
  • 17 Jun 2024
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Decision Reasons

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Article summary

While decision reasons are optional, they do allow for the consolidation of decision codes while maintaining the ability to capture high-level explanatory information about a particular decision. Adding a decision reason can be a practical data point when querying decision-related information and narrowing down search results, and providing more specific information about a student's decision.

For example, when a student has been admitted by the dean of admissions, it is possible to assign the decision code of Admit and the decision reason of Dean Admit. Doing this makes it easy to quickly identify records that have been admitted with specific explanations. Using this same example, providing a decision reason can give further insight into the admission decision and help distinguish between students who have been accepted through the standard admissions process and those whom the dean has specifically admitted.

 Best Practice

Decision reasons are optional but useful when clarifying a business process.

Consider skipping this step early on and revisiting decision reasons after creating decision letters and reply forms.

Decision Reason Settings



Decision Code

Each decision reason can only be associated with a single decision code. Select the decision code for the decision reason you are creating.


Give the reason a descriptive name.

Export Key

Optionally, configure an export value that can be used in exports to external systems, including your SIS.

Adding a Decision Reason

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Decision Reasons.

  2. Select  Insert.

  3. Enter the following decision reason configurations in the dialog box:

    • Decision Code: Select the decision code that will be the parent code of the decision reason.

    • Reason: Give the decision reason a clear name.

    • Export Key: If records with this decision reason will be exported to another system, provide the export code here. We recommend skipping this setting now and revisiting this item when beginning work on data exports.

Click the Slate Scholar Lightbulb    in the top left corner for a complete listing of all setting descriptions.

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