Deliver - New Mailing Settings
  • 08 Mar 2024
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Deliver - New Mailing Settings

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Article summary

Configure the below settings when creating a Mailing.




Give the new mailing a descriptive name so that it can be found quickly.


Keep your communications organized by putting them in a folder. Select Other to create a new folder. Once a folder name is established, it cannot be modified.


Select the user who will appear as the sender of the communication. This value defaults to the currently logged in user. Mailings can only be associated with one user.


By assigning mailings to a Realm, only users with that Realm can access the Mailing. If a Mailing is not assigned a Realm, a user with the Deliver (Edit All Users) permission can view the Mailing.


Select the method of communication. When Email is selected, the option to enable UTM tracking features is displayed.


If leveraging a template, select it here.


Picking the option of Allow Unsubscribe will automatically exclude records that have the Opt Out tag set. This also allows recipients to opt out. If all records that meet criteria are to be included regardless of opt out status, select No Unsubscribe.

UTM Tracking

If enabled, this will track all links in the Mailing for all recipients. It is not necessary to include every UTM parameter.

Hide from Timeline

Select this configuration to hide the Mailing from appearing on a record's Timeline.

View in Browser

Enables a merge field for embedding a "View in Browser" link in the communication. The link allows the recipient to will open the message independently in a browser. If this option is selected, an Expiration Days fields appears to define the number of days the link will function before expiring.

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