Display Cluster Reports in Reader
  • 18 Mar 2024
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Display Cluster Reports in Reader

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Article summary

A cluster report can be configured to display on any Reader Tab Group configured with the type Materials. Cluster reports can share a tab with other items, and, like other types of materials, filters can be used to restrict its display.

Order cluster reports so that they are not on the first tab within the Reader.

In addition to not providing much context about the specific applicant that is currently being read, cluster report queries run at the time an application is opened in the Reader. Since the query must finish running before the results can display, it can take a few seconds for the cluster report to render. If other content appears first, Readers will be able to immediately see information about the applicant. Each tab is loaded asynchronously, which means that the tab that the cluster report is on will become available as soon as it has finished rendering.

Create the Reader Tab Material

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Reader Tab Materials.

  2. Click Insert to add a new Reader Tab Material.

  3. Select the Tab on which the Cluster Report should appear.

  4. Select Report as the Type.

  5. Select the query that you configured as the Source.

  6. Provide an Order number to determine the order that materials should display on the tab.

    • Optionally, select a Filter Base and add filters to limit which applications should have the cluster report displayed.


If your process requires it, you can choose to display different cluster reports based on the student type. For example, you may wish to see different data points based on if the applicant is a first year or transfer, or if the applicant is domestic or international. Simply create separate queries, and use filters on the Reader Tab Materials to define which population should be associated with each cluster report.

Testing and Adjusting the Cluster Report

Open a test record's application in the Reader and click on the tab that contains the Cluster Report to view the data as it is currently configured.

Now that you see the data within the Reader, if you want to add or remove data points, or if you want to adjust the formatting of the data points, adjust the exports in the cluster report query.


Slate caches the application materials that appear in the Reader for a short period of time. The cached copy also expires if there are any changes to the application. If you are adjusting the cluster report query and would like to see it reflected in the Reader for your test applicant, you can force-expire the cache from the Application tab of the test record.

  1. Click the Edit Application Details link

  2. Then, without making any changes, click Save


Adjust the Column Widths under Edit Report Options last. The column widths that you will set are dependent on the margin; orientation; number of data points; and contents of the data points. As such, you should finalize these items prior to attempting to adjust the Column Widths.

During your testing, you might have discovered that you have too many data points to legibly display the cluster report using the Portrait orientation, or the margin that you have entered is too large. Make any necessary adjustments to these items.

Your strategy for setting Column Widths might include just random guessing, or, if you are so inclined, you can use a more calculated approach. Since the widths are set in inches, and the page size is the standard 8.5"x11", and you are setting the margin in inches, then you can use these numbers to determine the number of inches remaining on the page for each data point. Take note of the columns that need less space than the evenly distributed columns allotted, and also of the columns that needed more space. Use the Robin Hood approach of reducing the column widths for the narrower columns and adding to the wider columns until the cluster report meets your needs.

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