Displaying Reader Review Forms in the Reader (Legacy)
  • 18 Mar 2024
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Displaying Reader Review Forms in the Reader (Legacy)

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The procedures described in this article follow a legacy process. Follow the procedures described in the this article for displaying reader review forms in a workflow. Workflows created using the legacy process cannot be managed using the Workflows tool and vice versa.

Article summary

Reader Review forms behave like all other Slate forms and save the submitted data in exactly the same way:

  • all submitted data, regardless of the field type is visible when viewing a specific Reader Review form submission for an application.

Create a Reader Tab Material

If the Reader Review form data should display in the Reader, configure a Reader Tab Material for it:

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Reader Tab Materials.

  2. Click Insert.

  3. Enter the following User configurations in the dialog box:

    • Status- Status should be set to Active.

    • Tab - Make a Reader Tab called Review Forms.

    • Type - Select Reader Form as the Type.

    • Source - Select the reader-scoped form that should be displayed when a submitted form exists.

    • Template - Select Auto PDF. (Optionally, a custom PDF may also be uploaded to display submitted data.)

    • Order - Set an order for which this material should display.

    • Rank - Configure the rank to Show All or define the precise form that should display. For example, the first reader review form submitted is Rank #1.

    • Filter Base (optional) - Optional: Select a filter base to enable conditional filters and define the conditions under which this material will display.

If there is more than one Reader Review form, configure additional Reader Tab Materials for each form.

Submitted Reader Review form data will display on the tab within the Reader:


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