Application Fields
  • 13 Mar 2024
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Application Fields

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Article summary

As a best practice, any data collected in an application should be mapped to application-scoped system fields. To create application-scoped fields: 

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar.

  2. Select Fields.

  3. Click Insert.

  4. Enter the following configurations in the dialog box:

  • Status - Set the status to "Active."

  • Scope - Set the scope to "Application."

  • ID - Provide a computer-friendly id for the field, such as "app_degree."

  • Name - Provide a human-friendly name for this field, such as "Degree."

  • Prompt - Connect to a prompt list, if required.

  • Value - Select "Store Prompt ID" if connected to a prompt list. If storing a free-text value (or special prompt), select "Store Value." Note: This list will display all Active and Inactive Rounds as the record is being impersonated administratively.

Click the Slate Scholar Lightbulb    in the top left corner for a complete listing of all setting descriptions.

For additional information, please see Application Testing Best Practices.

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