Caseloads for Student Success
  • 18 Mar 2024
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Caseloads for Student Success

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Article summary

Displaying Caseloads

After staff assignment rules have executed, many other tools can be utilized to manage caseloads.  Using Queries and Reports can provide lists and aggregate data for advisors and counselors, and communication to students can be personalized and dynamic.

It is also important to note that there are varying definitions of "caseload." 

  • Some institutions may refer to caseloads as the grouping of students assigned to them for advisement, coaching, etc. 

  • Some institutions refer to caseloads as individual processes that require the creation of a "case" to be documented through to completion (such as conduct or disciplinary reviews). 

With either definition, the options described below are applicable.

Individual View

The Person Record houses a vast majority of the information about the student, however there may be a need to review individual cases that include documents, materials, etc., in the same way that an admissions counselor would review an application.  This process can be managed with the Reader. The Reader is a fantastic option to manage cases that include forms and documentation like intake forms and screening forms.  Reader Bins can be useful to accommodate case management plans

There may be a process needed in which multiple staff are "assigned" to one student in a case load.  This process may be needed on a temporary basis, or permanently.  These situations can be addressed multiple ways in Slate.

Reader Workflow

Perhaps a student has an academic hold on their account, and there is  need for documents or forms to be reviewed by their advisor, and a faculty member simultaneously, but the faculty member is not permanently "connected" to the student. Opposed to assigning a new staff (the faculty member) via a rule, a Workflow can be created in the Reader.  This will allow multiple users (the advisor and the faculty member) to view the appropriate case documents simultaneously.  Below is an example of how a reader structure, with various workflows, may exist.


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