Checklist Item Settings
  • 14 Jun 2024
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Checklist Item Settings

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Article summary

Checklist Item Settings

  • Status- Set to 'Active.'

  • Folder- Keep your records organized by putting them in a folder. Select Other to create a new folder.

  • Scope- Set to 'Person/Application' to associate this checklist item with a person and/or application record, and set it to ‘School’ to associate with related schools on that person’s record. For more information on school-scoped checklist items, see Assigning Checklist Items.

  • Group- Group impacts how checklist items are assigned and removed. When certain checklist items are always assigned together, they should be in the same group. A single rule will determine the criteria for adding the group of items to an applicant’s checklist, and that group will be removed from the checklist if an applicant ceases to qualify for that rule.

  • Section - You can create custom sections to organize the display of Checklist Items on a Custom Application Status Portal. If a checklist item relates to a particular form, select 'Form'.

    Do not select any Special use only sections without first reading the article on auto-generated checklist items.

  • Subject -This is the display label of the checklist item. This is what the applicant will see.

  • URL - If the checklist item has a related URL (such as a link to a PDF an applicant should read or a non-Slate website they should visit), list it here. This should link to Non-Slate destinations only. If you do want a Slate form to be a checklist item, the Form section is our best practice. If you are to use a Slate URL, be sure to not use a vanity Slate URL. Updating the URL to a vanity URL changes it from /apply to /register which allows students to fill out the form multiple times when configured as a checklist item.

  • Key - This setting may be used to give checklist items a unique, computer friendly identifier.

  • Order - If checklist items should display in a particular order, provide an order number here.

  • Material Fulfillment (#1-5) -If the checklist item can be fulfilled by an existing Slate material, select this material from the drop down. The materials will be limited to those that match the Scope setting of the checklist item. Up to 5 different Slate materials can be selected as fulfillment options for each checklist item.

  • Material Fulfillment Rank - If more than one of the selected material fulfillments are needed to mark this checklist item as Received, the required count should be entered here. Please see below for suggested configuration.

  • Test Fulfillment (#1-3) - If this checklist item can be fulfilled by particular tests on a person's record, select those tests from the drop down here. Up to 3 tests can be selected as potential fulfillment options for each checklist item. Only verified test scores (not self-reported scores) will fulfill a checklist item with test fulfillment.

  • Form Fulfillment - If this checklist item can be fulfilled by a particular form that exists in Slate, select this form from the drop down here.Be sure the form that is used for this section does not contain a vanity URL as it will allow students to submit the form more than one when placed on a status portal.

  • XML Configuration- Leave blank, unless following instructions for a Financial Aid Checklist or Custom Checklist Status.

  • Type - If the applicant should see the checklist item on his/her checklist, set this to 'Public.' If this checklist item should only be seen internally by administrative staff, set to 'Private (internal only).'

  • Optional -If a checklist item is 'Optional' (i.e. it is not required for an applicant to move forward in the review process), leave this set to 'Optional.' If the checklist item is critical for the review process, set this to 'Required.'

  • Optional for Reading- If a checklist item is 'Optional' for the reading process, leave this set to 'Optional for reading.' If the checklist item is required for the reading process, set this to 'Required for reading.'

  • Export Key- If a value is needed/required for an external SIS, enter that value here.

Material Fulfillment Rank

You may require more than one of the same kind of checklist item. In these cases, Material Fulfillment Rank becomes important.

For example, let's say you’ve created two checklist items:

  • Letter of Recommendation 1

  • Letter of Recommendation 2

Let's also assume you have a generic material of type Letter of Recommendation.

If each separate checklist item (Letter of Recommendation 1 and Letter of Recommendation 2) uses the custom material of Letter of Recommendation for one of the material fulfillment settings, then both Letter of Recommendation checklist items would be fulfilled when only one Letter of Recommendation material is present.

To avoid this, the Material Fulfillment Rank setting for Letter of Recommendation 1 should be set to 1. The Material Fulfillment Rank setting for Letter of Recommendation 2 should be set to 2, and so on.

This way, when one letter of recommendation material is present on a person's record, only the Letter of Recommendation 1 checklist item will be fulfilled. If another Letter of Recommendation material comes in (bringing the total number of Letter of Recommendation materials to two), the Letter of Recommendation 2 checklist item would then be fulfilled.

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