Research Tab
  • 22 Apr 2024
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Research Tab

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Article summary

The Research Tab is a Slate-standard tab that will appear as part of an individual record once that record matches the scope of at least one Research Source. Clicking on the tab allows you to view any Research Sources that apply to the record, along with their corresponding notes.

Research Tab

Access to the Research Tab itself can be limited to specific Slate Users or to those with specific Roles, and access can be further narrowed to individual Research Sources.

The collected data on the Research Tab can also be queried upon by those with the appropriate permissions in Slate.

⏭️ Early Access Feature

Research is an Early Access Feature and is not yet a default for all provisioned instances of Slate.

To enable Research:

  1. Select Database from the main navigation.

    • Select Configuration Keys.

    • In the Database Configuration section, select Early Access Features.

    • From the list, select Research.

    • Click Save.

Note: Changes to configuration keys can take up to 15 minutes to be reflected across all web nodes.

Use Cases

🤝 Advancement

One of the primary uses for the Research tab is for wealth screenings. Technolutions partners with DonorSearch and iWave to make this screening very straightforward. A library of items lets institutions easily search for records in Slate, export a file in a standardized format to the vendor, and automatically consume the returned file containing the screened records.

🎓 Student Success

Slate's uniquely customizable framework means that there will always be uses for every tool within the database for those Users who are willing to get creative and play outside of the standard box. Because of this, the opportunities to utilize the Research Tab may vary widely from team to team. However, some common use cases within the world of student success include:

  • Academics: Tracking notes from an Academic Advisor or academic tutor

  • Behavioral: Recording the status of an Early Alert flag

  • Housing: Collecting interaction notes from Resident Assistants

  • Athletics: Storing notes and data from coaches, trainers, and staff

Overview Section

The overview section includes a default dashboard that displays the research history, first source, and most recent source. Research sources describe the place from which data originate. For example, DonorSearch would be a research source for any information imported from DonorSearch. A custom dashboard can be added to the overview page. Custom dashboards appear above the default dashboard when enabled.

Overview Section

Research Sources Section

The Research Sources section includes a table that supports customized views and displays the point-in-time data for each research source. Clicking the column headers can sort the table.  

Research Sources Section

New research data can be added through the New Research Data link. Clicking an existing data point presents a popup with more details and an option to edit the data. Each research data point will have a default tab. Custom tabs can be created for a research source and will appear to the right of the default tab.     

New Research Data

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