Custom Applicant Status Portal - Account Tools
  • 13 Mar 2024
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Custom Applicant Status Portal - Account Tools

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Article summary

This article describes the procedure for adding an Account Tools section to a custom Applicant Status Portal using static content blocks. Account Tools allows the applicant to change their email address, change their password, and logout. When adding Account Tools to a custom status portal, decide the options that are presented to the applicant.

Adding a Static Content Block

  1. Drag a Static Content block to the location where the Account Tools should reside. Most institutions include this block toward the bottom of the status portal.

  2. In the Source Code of the static content block, copy and paste the following code. (Be sure to replace status with the key of the portal you are editing. For example, if the key of the portal was "gr_status," the referrer would be "/portal/gr_status.")

    <html xmlns="">
     <p style="margin-top: 50px; text-align: center;">
     <span style="font-weight: bold; margin-right: 1em;">Account Tools:</span>
    <a href="/account/migrate" style="margin-right: 1em;">Change Email Address</a>
    <a href="/account/password?r=/portal/status&amp;referrer=/portal/status" 
    style="margin-right: 1em;">Change Password</a>
    <a href="/account/logout?r=/portal/status&amp;referrer=/portal/status" 
    style="margin-right: 1em;">Logout</a>
  3. Make any additional formatting and text changes desired. For example, you can change the text of "Change Password" to "Change Your Password Here!" but the links should remain the same. 

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