Custom Checklist Sections
  • 13 Mar 2024
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Custom Checklist Sections

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Article summary

An Applicant Status page is available for all applications both Slate hosted and imported. Of the many items displayed on the status page, one of the most important to the applicant is the checklist section. This section shows an applicant the items that have been received or not received. Items such as transcripts or recommendations might be included here. However, depending on the application's related population, a checklist can grow rather quickly. Checklist by section allows an applicant to see lists in categories. An institution may wish to include specific checklist sections for areas such as matriculation and scholarship-specific requirements. Anything that could reside outside of the Admissions checklist could reside in its own section. 

For example, a Slate Partner might have an applicant that has been admitted, matriculated, and considered for a scholarship. Each of these items being their own population. Belonging to this many populations could generate a lengthy checklist, potentially overwhelming an applicant. Checklist by section allows Partners to compartmentalize checklist items by categorizing them within different sections.


Custom Checklist Sections are available for display if added to a briefcased Portal or a custom portal created using the Portal Editor in Database. Checklist by Section is an item within the palette that can be dragged and dropped into place. For more information on how to configure a custom status portal, refer to the Custom Applicant Status Portal article. System generated checklist items will always display in the Admissions checklist section.

Applicant Experience

When a student visits their status page, they will dynamically see different sections. Your institution can define the criteria determining what an applicant will or will not see.

An applicant can visit their status page by visiting

Without Sections

Without sections in place, an applicant would see a checklist that looks like the example below:

With Sections

In the example above, the Housing Questionnaire is an item that could potentially reside in a Matriculation section. In this case, it might make sense to include a second checklist for only matriculation items. In the following example, the Housing Questionnaire has been added to its own section to split matriculation items from admissions items. The first displays Admissions related checklist items, and the second displays Matriculation checklist items, now including the housing questionnaire checklist item.


Checklist sections are dynamic. If an applicant does not have a checklist item for a particular section, the tab will not appear even if the section has been included within the Portal Editor.

Configuring a Checklist Section

  1. Select Insert.

  2. To create a new section, enter the following Checklist configurations:

    • Section: Select Other as the section and enter the name of the section as it should appear externally (for example, "Matriculation"). The word "Checklist" will be appended to the name publicly, so "Matriculation" would appear as "Matriculation Checklist" on the status page.

    • Subject: This is the name that will appear to the student on their status portal.

    All other settings in the Checklist database tool work exactly the same.

  3. Once a section is created (much like how other database items work), that section is selectable for any future checklist items.

Configuring the Status Portal

With the creation of the custom checklist section, the custom checklist section can be added to the status page using the new "Portal" version of the status page.

To display checklists by section, drag the Checklist By Section module onto the page within the Portal View. (Dragging the Checklist module onto the page displays the checklist items all together--with a separate Financial Aid tab only--as it works on the xslt version of the status page.)

Other settings

  • Honor Decision Hiding: Specify if the checklist should appear even if the decision is configured to hide checklists after the decision is released. Selecting No displays the checklist regardless of the decisions on the record.

  • Checklist Instructions: These instructions appear for all sections.

  • Section Tabs Insert: Select from the list to specify the sections that appear within this widget.

  • Section Tabs: Once selected, drag the items to change the of appearance on the status page.


The Checklist by Section module can be used any number of times on the same page. If a particular custom section should show separately instead of within a tab, drag Checklist by Section again. The new checklist appear without having to click on a tab.

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