Form and Event Communications Triggers & Groups - Student Success
  • 04 Apr 2024
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Form and Event Communications Triggers & Groups - Student Success

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Article summary

Triggers and Groups will be used to when scheduling a communication campaign for events. Review the explanations below:

Upon Registration or Update

Registration form is submitted for the first time or updated. If a registration is rescheduled, this communication will not be triggered. Form and Event Communications (including Scheduler Communications) will only send out if the event status is Confirmed. You can administratively complete a registration form when an event status is Tentative, but the communications will not send out to the registrant.


Communications are sent...

Direct Entry + Admin Entry

Regardless of the registration method

Direct Entry Only 

Only if the registration is submitted or updated using a public link

Admin Entry Only

Only if the registration is submitted or updated administratively

Upon Registration

Registration is submitted for the first time. If a registration is rescheduled, this communication will not be triggered.


Communications are sent...

Direct Entry + Admin Entry

Regardless of registration method

Direct Entry Only

Only if the registration is submitted using a public link

Admin Entry Only

Only if the registration is submitted administratively

Upon Registration (including related event registration)

Registration is submitted for the first time, including registrations submitted through a related event widget. If a registration is rescheduled, this communication will not be triggered. See the end of the article for further details.


Communications are sent...

Direct Entry + Admin Entry

Regardless of registration method

Direct Entry Only

Only if the registration is submitted using a public link

Admin Entry Only

Only if the registration is submitted administratively

Upon Update

Registration is updated (not including initial registration). If a registration is rescheduled, this communication will not be triggered.


Communications are sent...

Direct Entry + Admin Entry

Regardless of registration method

Direct Entry Only

Only if the registration is submitted using a public link

Admin Entry Only

Only if the registration is updated administratively

Upon Waitlist Registration

Registrant is placed on waitlist 

Upon Move from Waitlist to Registered

Waitlist registrant is moved from waitlist to registered 

Upon Cancellation

Event registration is cancelled by the registrant 

Hours Before Deadline

x hours before the registration deadline to all registrants in the "Registered" status

Hours Before Event

x hours before the event begins to the selected group of registrants

Hours After Event

x hours after the event ended to the selected group of registrants


Communications are sent...

All Registrants

All active registrants


Only to registrants marked as Attended

No Shows

Only to registrants marked as No Show

Include Post-Deadline?

If pre-registration is not required for an event, and attendees will be administratively added after the event deadline, use the group containing Admin: Email Only (including post-deadline). This will allow communications to be sent to the event attendees upon registering. Keep in mind, registrations added via Upload Dataset do not cause mailings using the 'Include Post-Deadline' type Trigger to fire.

When do I use Including Related Event Registration?

Rarely. This trigger is used when the desired behavior is for both the master and related event communications to fire. A typical confirmation email for a campus visit would contain times, locations etc. for all related events selected during registration. If, however, all overnight visit registrations require a specific communication to be sent, this trigger will activate both master and related event emails upon registration. Additionally, please note that the main event needs an actual email notification in order for the related-event notifications to fire - just having a confirmation-page only communication on the main form is not enough!

Submitting a pending/save for later form does not count as a registration for Trigger purposes.

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