- 22 Jul 2024
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Fundamental Liquid Markup and Conditional Logic
- Updated 22 Jul 2024
- 4 minute read
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The Deliver tool features two tools to display text in a message conditionally. The first, conditional logic, can be accessed by clicking the if icon. To use conditional logic:
Highlight the text to be conditionally displayed.
Click the if icon.
Specify the conditions for showing the text.
Click Ok.
While conditional logic is useful for making simple comparisons, Liquid markup excels at simple to complex comparisons that show/hide a few words to entire paragraphs and even images.
Something to also note is that there is a slight variation in how conditional logic and Liquid markup appear when viewing the message:
You can update evaluations by double-clicking on the highlighted statements. However, we recommend writing and editing directly in the message's source for Liquid markup. This will allow for more complex evaluations and easier upkeep.
✨ TipLiquid markup cannot parse ampersands in strings. Using special characters like "&" should be avoided if possible.
Making Comparisons with Tags
Use Liquid markup to compare a merge field against a static value or another merge field to show information conditionally. Evaluations are initiated with the if tag and closed with the endif tag:
{% if {{major}} == 'Philosophy' %}Existentialism? Don't get us started!{% endif %}
The elsif tag allows for multiple comparisons:
{% if {{major}} == 'Philosophy' %}Existentialism? Don't get us started!{% elsif {{major}} == 'Biology' %}It's in our genetics to drift toward academic excellence!{% endif %}
The else tag will return a value if all prior evaluations were FALSE. This is useful when displaying a generic message:
{% if {{major}} == 'Philosophy' %}Existentialism? Don't get us started!{% elsif {{major}} == 'Biology' %}It's in our genetics to drift toward academic excellence! {% else %}We support you in your academic pursuits!{% endif %}
Tags | Function | Example(s) |
assign | Assigns a value to a variable | {% assign missing_items = {{Missing-Checklist-Items}} | split: "|" %} |
capture | Captures and assigns a value to a variable | {% capture team %}{{sex}}'s {{sport}} {% endcapture %} |
case | An efficient method of comparing a variable against multiple conditions | {% case {{major}} %}{% when 'Philosophy' %}Existentialism? Don't get us started!{% when 'Biology' %}It's in our genetics to drift toward academic excellence!{% else %}We support you in your academic pursuits!{% endcase %} |
for | Loops through a range, which can be an array | {% for interest in academic_interest %}{{interest}}{% endfor %} |
if/elsif | Determines if one value is equal to another value | {% if {{major}} == 'Philosophy' %}Existentialism? Don't get us started!{% elsif {{major}} == 'Biology' %}It's in our genetics to drift toward academic excellence!{% endif %} |
unless | Reverse of an if statement | {% unless {{major}} != 'Quantum Physics' %}Achieving an A is probable.{% endunless %} |
Comparison Operators
You can make different kinds of comparisons by adjusting the operator:
Comparison Operators | Function | Example(s) |
== | Determines if one value is equal to another value | {% if {{major}} == 'Philosophy' %}Existentialism? Don't get us started!{% endif %} |
!= | Determines if one value is not equal to another value | {% if {{major}} != 'Statistics' %}Probability is overrated!{% endif %} |
>, >=, <, <= | Determines if one value is:
| {% if {{guests}} >= 10 %}Groups of 10 or more will need to ride in separate golf carts.{% endif %} |
contains | Determines if one value contains another value | {% if {{major}} contains 'Science' %}Let us tell you more about the seduction of scientific deduction!{% endif %} |
Boolean Operators
Multiple comparisons can be made in the same evaluation using the and & or Boolean operators:
Boolean Operators | Function | Example(s) |
and | Determines if both comparisons are true | {% if {{major}} == 'Philosophy' and {{degree}} == 'Doctorate' %}So we take it you're serious about Philosophy?{% endif %} |
or | Determines if one or both comparisons are true | {% if {{major}} == 'Philosophy' or {{major}} == 'Political Science' %}Debate is in your future{% endif %} |
Standard Filters
Standard filters allow you to modify content in merge fields:
Standard Filters | Function | Example(s) |
date | Formats a date | {{form-date | date: 'MMMM d, yyyy' }} |
divided_by | Divides two numbers | {{registration_limit | divided_by: registrants }} |
downcase | Sets all letters to lowercase | {{first | downcase }} |
first | Returns the first element of an array | {{academic_interests | first }} |
last | Returns the last element of an array | {{academic_interests | last }} |
map | Returns only the specified elements in an array | {{scholarships | map: 'names'}} |
minus | Subtracts two numbers | {{registration_limit | minus: registrants }} |
modulo | Returns the remainder after division | {{4 | modulo: 2 }} |
plus | Adds two numbers | {{registrants | plus: waitlist }} |
replace_first | Replaces the first occurrence of a match | {{sisID | replace_first:'Slate-', '' }} |
size | Returns the number of elements in an array or the number of characters in a string | {{academic_interests | size}} {{academic_interests.size}} |
snippet | Allow you to pass in a value and output a content block. | {{ program | snippet: "program_long_description" }} |
split | Splits a string into an array on a matching criteria | {{ academic_interests | split: "|" }} |
strip_html | Removes HTML tags from a string | {{ academic_interests | strip_html }} |
times | Multiples two numbers | {{courses | times: 550 }} |
uniq | Dedupes values in an array | {{ academic_interests_array | uniq }} |
upcase | Sets all letters to uppercase | {{ first | upcase }} |
Helper Variables
Helper variables are useful for assessing properties of a for loop:
Helper Variable | Function |
forloop.length | Length of the loop |
forloop.index | Number of current loop iteration |
forloop.rindex | Number of remaining loop iteration(s) |
forloop.first | Determines if the current iteration is the first iteration |
forloop.last | Determines if the current iteration is the last iteration |