User/Role Assignment
  • 22 Apr 2024
  • 1 minute read
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User/Role Assignment

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Article summary

Role assignments for messages are important, as the Role dictates which users are able to view and respond to the message within Inbox. If a message was assigned to a general Admissions Role, and the message instead must be answered by a user who is able to see Financial Aid information, the message can be re-assigned to a Financial Aid Role.

The Role and User can be assigned to a message either manually or via rules. This section provides instructions to manually assign the message to a Role or User. For information about automating assignments, please see the Inbox Automation section below.

The steps to manually assign a message to a Role or User are:

  1. Open the specific message in Inbox

  2. Click Assign

  3. Update the Role and/or the User using the associated select lists

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