Enrollment Deposit Payment Due Activity
  • 02 Apr 2024
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Enrollment Deposit Payment Due Activity

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Article summary

🔔 Important!

  • Be sure to finalize an Admission Reply Form before moving on to post-decision rules. 

  • If a change must be made to the form after your rules were built, be sure to re-test all rules based on that form because changes to the form may break existing rules.

  • Before writing your Enrollment Deposit rule, you must ensure that your Slate instance is configured to accept payments online. If you have not established your payment gateway, the payment link on the student status page will return an error message.

  • Additionally, some institutions do not require an enrollment deposit. If your institution does not collect this fee, you do not need to make this rule. 

If your institution collects an enrollment deposit, upon activation, the rule will automatically create a payment requirement for each eligible admitted applicant, which will be visible on the individual's status page. The Enrollment Deposit rule effectively manages and tracks the enrollment deposit collection process, helping to streamline institutional operations and ensure the accurate and timely collection of these critical funds.

Additionally, this rule will automatically add a new activity to the Activities table on the application tab of the person record:


Add Enrollment Deposit Payment Due Activity

If an applicant accepts your offer of admission this rule adds an Enrollment Deposit payment due activity to the application tab of the person record.

  1. Click Forms in the top navigation bar.

  2. Select the Reply to Offer of Admission Form.

  3. Click Edit Form.

  4. Click Edit Rules.

  5. Click New Rule.

  6. Enter the following Rule configurations in the popup window:

    • Name - Add Enrollment Deposit Payment Due

    • Type - Select Activity

    • Exclusivity Group - An Exclusivity Group is required in the case of different enrollment deposit amounts for different populations (e.g., international students versus domestic students).

    • Priority - Priority is only required if using an Exclusivity Group.

    • Status - Set the status to 'Preview'.

Configure the appropriate filters:

  • Unmapped Required Form Field - Find the filter for the required question from your reply form and filter for ACCEPT responses.

Decision_Reply IN I ACCEPT my offer of admission

Configure the appropriate action:

  • User - Leave this blank.

  • Code - Select Payment.

  • Payment Type - Configure this rule as a Payment Due activity.

  • Payment Amount (USD) - Provide the payment amount

  • Payment Account - Select Enrollment Deposit.

  • Expires Type - Use this setting if you would like to remove the payment due activity from the status page on a specific date.

  • Expires X Days After Activity Date - You may remove the payment due activity from the status page a number of days after the activity was added (e.g.'5').

  • Private Comments - Optional: Provide private comments.

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