eShipGlobal UEMS Integration
  • 28 Nov 2023
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eShipGlobal UEMS Integration

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Article summary

eShipGlobal's University Express Mailing Service (UEMS) provides a comprehensive shipping solution specifically designed to meet the needs of institutions of higher learning when sending admission documents, immigration paperwork, and critical packages to students and scholars, both domestically and internationally. When using this service, students can request necessary documents and pay for the shipping cost. This service is offered free of charge, with the only cost being the cost of shipping. For more information about this service, please visit the eShipGlobal UEMS website

This article describes the process of enabling bi-directional integration between UEMS and Slate.


Once configured, this integration allows eShipGlobal to automatically deliver shipment data to your institution's database. To provide eShipGlobal with access to do this, two standard resources must be added to your database: the eShipGlobal service account and the eShipGlobal UEMS source format. The steps to configure these items are provided in the Slate Configurations - Receiving Data from eShipGlobal section below.

Additionally, eShipGlobal must configure your account on their end to send this data to Slate and to provide you with your department ID. This process is described in the eShipGlobal Setup section below. 

eShipGlobal Setup

To begin the process to configure the integration with eShipGlobal, send an email to [email protected] with the subject Attn: Janani Murali to request your department ID.

You must also provide Janani with the Web service endpoint (generated in the Slate Configurations - Receiving Data from eShipGlobal steps below).

Slate Configurations - Sending Applicants to eShipGlobal

Instructions for applicants to request shipments from your institution must include a personalized link constructed in the method provided below. This link can be featured within any place merge fields can be used, including within an applicant status portal or a Deliver mailing.

Generating the URL as a Merge Field

International students who need documents shipped to them should be provided with a personalized link to request documents within UEMS. This link contains your institution's department ID that links the request to your account, the student's application GUID that enables matching the appropriate record in Slate, and the email address used to generate their UEMS account.

The URL can be generated as a merge field within a Configurable Joins query with the type Applications using the steps below.

  1. Add a Subquery export.

  2. Enter a name for the export (for example, "eShipGlobalLink").
    Note: This name will be used as the merge field, so it should not include any spaces.

  3. Select Concatenate as the output. This creates one string of each of the exports added to this subquery part, in the order they are listed.

  4. Add the following exports. These different pieces will contain both string literals, such as the domain, as well as values from exports.

    • Add a Literal export

      1. Enter a Name for this export. For clarity, you may wish to enter the same value as the literal value (below).

      2. Enter the Literal value:
        Note: The department ID is provided by eShipGlobal. If your institution has multiple departments, refer to the section below on using Export Values or Translation Values to pull in the appropriate department ID.

      3. Select Save.

    • Add an Export

      1. Select the Email export under the Application / Person join.
        Note: If your query does not already have this join added, the Person exports will be listed under Extended ExportsWhen prompted after selecting Continue in the next step, select the Application / Person join.

      2. Select Continue.

    • Add a Literal export

      1. Enter a Name for this export.

      2. Enter the Literal value: &id=

      3. Select Save.

    • Add an Export

      1. Select the GUID Export under the Application Direct Export.

      2. Select Continue.

        Slate combines these values in the order they appear, so keep the exports in this order.

  5. Select Save.

For Institutions with Multiple Department IDs

If your institution has more than one department from eShipGlobal, the Literal value that includes the department ID must instead use an export value with the data that determines the department ID to send. For example, if your institution has a department ID for graduate admissions and one for undergraduate admissions, the application round might determine which ID to send. Alternatively, there might be a field, such as application major, that would determine the department ID. Once the data behind the selection of the department ID has been determined, use either Export Values or create a set of translation keys to handle sending the department ID. This changes the subquery described in Step 4 of the previous section slightly:

  • Add a Literal export

    1. Enter a Name for this export.

    2. Enter the Literal value:

    3. Select Save.

  • Add an Export

    1. Select the export that will contain the department ID. For example, if Export 4 on your application major prompts contains the relevant department ID, select the export for the application major field.

    2. Edit this new export to update the Export Value selection to the location that stores the department ID. For example, "Export 4 Value."

    3. Select Save.

  • Add a Literal export

    1. Enter a Name for this export.

    2. Enter the Literal value: &e=

  • Follow the steps in the previous section to add the Person Email export, &id= literal export, and the Application GUID export.

    Slate combines these values in the order they appear, so keep the exports in this order.

Using the URL Merge Field

The merge field generated in the previous steps contains the entire URL from the domain to the query string parameters. This merge field can be added as a link using the WYSIWYG HTML editor for the resource where you would like to add the link.

  1. Insert a link.

  2. Enter the desired Display Text (such as "Order Documents").

  3. Change the Protocol to .

  4. Enter the merge field created in the query within curly brackets (for example, {{eShipGlobalLink}}).
    Note: The merge field name is the name of the export created in the previous step.

  5. Optional: To force the link to open in a new window or tab, select the Targettab, then select New Window (_blank) as the Target.

  6. Select OK.

Slate Configurations - Receiving Data from eShipGlobal

eShipGlobal Service Account

When posting files to your institution's Web services endpoint, eShipGlobal authenticates using the eShipGlobal Service Account.

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Slate Template Library.

  2. Add the eShipGlobal Service Account user account under the Users section. This user account has all of the necessary configurations enabling eShipGlobal to post data to your institution's eShipGlobal UEMS Web services endpoint, so do not make changes to this user account.
    Note: If you do not see the eShipGlobal Service Account, refresh the Slate Template Library using the refresh the Slate Template Library link at the top of the page.

Source Format

When an applicant has paid for a shipment after following the personalized link generated in the previous section, eShipGlobal posts the shipping data to this source format.

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Source Format Library.

  2. Add the eShipGlobal UEMS (JSON) Source Format.

  3. Configure the Remap settings once a file has been uploaded. The application GUID is pre-mapped for matching purposes. Feel free to customize the mappings for any other data in the file that you would like to import.

  4. Set the Remap Active flag to Active on the source format once you are finished mapping the Source Format. This will run the import using the Remap settings configured in the step above for all files uploaded on or after the Remap As Of Date value.

To post the data to this source format, eShipGlobal needs its unique Web Services endpoint. Follow the steps below to retrieve the endpoint.

  1. Select the View link next to Web Services on the eShipGlobal UEMS source format configuration page.

  2. Select the Certificate-Based Authentication tab.

  3. Copy the displayed URL and send it to eShipGlobal.

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